What the hell! She's only twenty years old.

Ma'am, ma'am, madam, you're calling her old!

"Sorry, ma'am."

Yan Ping still gave the same answer.

"Kang Junyan! What do you mean?"

Yan Ping didn't stop the car, and Di Yanwei had no choice.

Now they are on the high speed. If they jump at such a speed, they will definitely become disabled.

"I never take back what I say."

Kang Junyan said domineeringly, "Besides, you provoked me first."

"so what?"

Di Yanwei frowned tightly, a wave of anger suffocated in her heart.

"If you provoke, you will be responsible."

Kang Junyan replied as a matter of course.


Di Yanwei sneered twice, and looked at him with disdain, "I've provoked so many people, is it possible that I'm responsible for them all?"

Di Yanwei was about to be pissed off by his logic.

If it was someone else, she would have beaten him to death early in the morning.

But the person in front of me is the head of a country, and the worst thing is that she can't beat her!

In an instant, the temperature inside the car suddenly dropped several degrees, as if frost was flying in June.

"Who! Who else did you provoke? I'll kill them!"

Kang Junyan dodged, and instantly pinched her cheek with his big hand, his eyes full of fierceness.

At this time, his expression did not seem to be lying at all.

It's as if she said it, and he will really go and solve the person.

Di Yanwei hurt a little from being pinched by him, but still refused to admit defeat and let out a snort.

"Hehe, as expected of the ruthless, iron-blooded, and extremely hot-handed Mr. Chief, if you say you will kill him, you will kill him. He is really powerful."

Di Yan said in a strange way.

If he doesn't let her have a good time, she certainly won't let him have a good time.

The big deal is to hurt each other.

Kang Junyan's cold aura exploded in an instant, making the people in the car a little breathless.

"It's good to know, so you'd better be obedient, otherwise..."

Kang Junyan narrowed his stern eyes slightly, and warned threateningly.

"Kill me, right?"

Di Yan raised his chin proudly, and looked into his cold eyes without fear.

There are many people who want her to die, but is she still alive and well?

Facts have proved that her life is really long.


Kang Junyan let her go and sat down again without looking at her again.


Di Yan snorted angrily, but stopped bickering.

Because she knows that the current her is really no match for him, whether it is force or IQ...

Realizing this, Di Yanwei became even more depressed.

What is cruel and iron-blooded, what is dismissive of women, what is aloof like a god.

It's all fake!

Kang Junyan is a domineering, convulsive and unreasonable bastard, and he is still the king of kings!

After the car stopped, Di Yanwei still kept slandering Kang Junyan in his heart.

Looking at the woods outside, Di Yanwei couldn't help but wonder, what are they doing here?

"You wait here, don't leave."

When Di Yanwei was about to open the door, Kang Junyan's cold voice reached her ears.

Di Yan turned his head slightly, subconsciously wanting to object.

However, Kang Junyan had already got out of the car and closed the door.

Looking at Kang Junyan who led the people away, Di Yanwei gritted his teeth and slandered over and over in his heart before suppressing the anger in his heart.

Of the six soldiers in the car, except for the two who stayed to watch her, the others followed Kang Junyan and left.

After observing the surrounding jungle, Di Yanwei's eyes flashed a bright light.

He told her to wait?

She just didn't like it, and he was so mad at him.

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