My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1156 Choose one of the two, I can't bear it for long

As soon as Di Yan opened the car door and got out of the car, the two soldiers immediately looked at her.

"Madam, the chief asked you to wait for him here."

A soldier said respectfully.

Di Yanwei looked at him innocently, "Isn't it okay to look around?"

"Sorry ma'am, the chief asked you to wait for him here."

The soldier answered without hesitation, any word of Kang Junyan was like a military order to them.

Not only because Kang Junyan is the chief, but also because of their awe and admiration for Kang Junyan.

Di Yan gritted his teeth slightly and took a deep breath.

Kang Junyan's subordinates are really dull enough and don't know how to be flexible.

Di Yanwei, who was rejected, slandered angrily in his heart.

"Why are your chiefs here? Catch pheasants?"

Looking at the direction Kang Junyan left, Di Yan asked casually.

Two soldiers, "..."

"Sorry ma'am, you should ask the chief about this."

A look of embarrassment appeared on the soldier's face.

Although this matter is not a super secret, it is not something that can be said casually.

Therefore, it is better to let the madam ask the chief herself.

Di Yanwei gave him a blank stare.

she asked? What a fart she asked!

She didn't even want to say a word to that super domineering bastard Kang Junyan!

He kisses forcefully at every turn, is still moody, and is more fickle than women. He is simply a non-human species.

She's not going to make fun of herself.


Suddenly, Di Yan covered his stomach slightly, wrinkling his face in pain.

Seeing Di Yanwei's expression was wrong, the two soldiers immediately became nervous.

Di Yanwei is their chief's wife, if something happens, the chief will definitely be furious.

At that time, the unlucky ones will definitely be the two of them.

"Ma'am, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong?"

Another soldier asked nervously.

But he didn't dare to touch Di Yanwei at all.

After all, their chief is notoriously defensive + possessive.

It would be bad if the chief misunderstood.

"I, I have a stomachache, maybe I ate something wrong just now."

Di Yan held his stomach slightly, and said in a 'weak' way.

Then he looked around and said anxiously to the two of them, "I'm going to drive a tuba, don't follow me."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the two to respond, he quickly ran in the opposite direction from where Kang Junyan left.

"Wait a minute, ma'am, the chief said that you are not allowed to leave here. If the chief finds out, we will definitely be punished."

Seeing Di Yanwei wanted to leave here, two soldiers immediately chased after her and blocked her way.

"Please, I have a stomachache right now, and I need to go to the bathroom and use a tuba. Do you want me to solve it in the car?"

Di Yanwei looked at the two people standing in front of him speechlessly, feeling the urge to knock them unconscious.


The two soldiers looked at each other with embarrassment in their eyes.

"Don't worry, you can either let me go to the jungle over there to solve it, or I can solve it directly in front of you.

Choose one of the two, you guys have to think about it, but hurry up, I can't bear it for long. "

With a big wave of Di Yanwei's hand, he directly gave multiple-choice questions for them to choose.

What the hell, two big men, can't they be more cheerful?

Why do you just listen to that bastard Kang Junyan? You're so stupid!

At this moment, Di Yanwei was anxious. If Kang Junyan came back, she would not be able to escape even if she wanted to.

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