The two soldiers became even more entangled. They both looked at me and I looked at you, and they couldn't choose.

Pick one, they can't afford it if something happens to Madam.

If you choose the second choice, if the chief finds out that they are guarding their wife and squatting in a large size, the chief will definitely poke them blind.

So, neither is a good choice!

Seeing their tangled appearance, the corner of Di Yanwei's mouth twitched slightly, and he rolled his eyes silently.

"Okay, since you don't choose, I will choose for you."

Di Yanwei directly pushed the two away, and quickly ran towards the jungle not far away, while waving to the two behind him.

"You guys just stay there, I'll come back after I'm done squatting."

Seeing Di Yanwei who had already run away, the two soldiers could only stand still and wait.

They can't follow, can they?

Moreover, with the ability of the chief, those people should not be able to escape.

After a quick analysis, the two soldiers immediately waited in place with peace of mind.

After Di Yanwei ran into the jungle, seeing that the two soldiers didn't follow, he immediately smiled slyly.

"I can't beat you, you bastard, can't you run away?"

Di Yan said proudly.

Thinking of Kang Junyan's furious appearance when he couldn't see her after he came back, Di Yanwei felt extremely happy in his heart.

Kang Junyan was angry, so she smiled triumphantly.

Di Yanwei pretended to squat down and turn on the tuba in the jungle, which was nearly one person tall, then looked in the right direction, bent over and fled quickly.

Fortunately, the wind is strong today, otherwise she would be easily spotted walking in the jungle.

Ten minutes later, the two soldiers immediately sensed that something was wrong.

After calling Di Yanwei a few times without responding, he immediately rushed towards the jungle.

However, it was already too late.

Seeing that the place where Di Yanwei squatted just now was empty, the two soldiers immediately knew that they were cheated by Di Yanwei.

"What should we do now?"

The slightly fat soldier looked at his companion with a look of wanting to cry.

How could Madam be like this, when the chief comes back and doesn't see his wife, they will definitely be slapped to death by the chief.

"What else can I do, get my wife back."

Another soldier also said bitterly with a bitter face.

Immediately, the two followed the faint traces to look for Di Yanwei.

After walking out of the huge jungle, Di Yanwei breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hmph, goodbye big bastard, no see!"

Di Yan turned slightly to face the direction where he left just now, and waved his hands triumphantly.

However, after she turned around again, she couldn't laugh anymore.

At some point, not far in front of her, more than 20 people appeared.

Moreover, each of them held a pistol in their hands.

"Hahaha——It really didn't take much effort, even God helped me!"

After seeing Di Yanwei's appearance clearly, the bald man in the lead laughed out loud.

There was a light in his eyes that made Di Yan slightly wary.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I just got lost accidentally, I didn't block your way on purpose.

Hehe, that, if there is nothing else, I will leave first, I promise not to say anything. "

Di Yanwei shrugged his shoulders pretending to be harmless, and then said flatteringly to the bald man.

As soon as the words fell, she immediately moved her legs, wanting to run away quickly.



A cold muzzle was aimed at Di Yanwei's head, as if she would be mercilessly pierced by the bullet if she took another step forward.

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