Di Yanwei froze and froze in place, not daring to take a step forward.

"Hehe, that, is there anything else?"

Di Yan smiled dryly, then turned to look at the bald man in charge.

Seeing Di Yan's slightly resigned look, the bald man sneered.

"Of course there is something, you are the best bargaining chip in my hand now, so be obedient, otherwise..."

The bald man's words were full of threats.

"Chips? What chips?"

Di Yan was slightly taken aback, with doubts in his eyes.

What kind of bargaining chip can she become?

Suddenly, as if Di Yanwei had thought of something, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Could it be those people from the Di family?

However, her idea was quickly dismissed.

"Hmph, why are you pretending to be stupid, you are Kang Junyan's woman, what bargaining chip do you say?!"

The bald man thought that Di Yanwei was pretending to be stupid, and his tone became more and more hostile.

Since Kang Junyan toasted and didn't eat fine wine, let him know that his Liang family is amazing!

He will let Kang Junyan roll in front of him and beg for mercy, trample on Kang Junyan's self-esteem, and make him a complete joke.

Thinking of the head of a country being trampled under his feet, the bald man couldn't help feeling proud and happy.


After hearing the bald man's words, Di Yanwei's eyes suddenly widened, his face full of astonishment and disbelief.

After a while, he quickly came back to his senses and quickly explained, "Brother, I think you have misunderstood? I am not Kang Junyan's woman.

I don't even know him, so how could I be his woman? You must be mistaken. "

As Di Yanwei explained, he observed the surrounding terrain unobtrusively, looking for any places that could stand out from the encirclement.

To her dismay, however, there was nothing prominent around her, except for the jungle behind her to obscure her view.

"Misunderstanding? I'm in the hotel, but I saw you together with my own eyes. It's easy for you to pretend to be me!"

As he said that, the bald man walked over, wanting to kick Di Yan slightly.

However, Di Yanwei quickly dodged it.


Di Yanwei dodged it, but the bald man did a split due to inertia.

But halfway through, you can't go down.

Seeing the antics of the bald man, his subordinates were all stunned, and then suppressed their laughter.

However, due to the majesty of the bald man, they did not dare to laugh out loud.

"Are you all dead people? Hurry up and help me up, do you want me to beat you up!"

The bald man's face was full of pain, he didn't dare to move, and roared loudly at his subordinates.

Seeing the painful appearance of the bald man, Di Yanwei could not help but mourn for him for a second.

I don't know if his chrysanthemums will bloom more brilliantly because of his splits?

After being yelled at by the bald man, those subordinates immediately stepped forward to help him up.

"Ah! Ow! Oh!"

When being lifted up, the bald man kept yelling all kinds of sour cries of pain.

Seeing the bald man attracting the attention of those subordinates, a light flashed quickly in Di Yanwei's eyes.

His legs moved back slightly, trying to slip away quietly.


"Smelly woman! If you dare to move one more step, I will immediately turn you into a hornet's nest!"

Although the bald man was in all kinds of sourness, he did not relax his guard on Di Yanwei.

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