My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 117 Meeting Fourth Master with twists and turns

"Oh~ I'm sorry, I didn't see you just now, I bumped into you by accident, are you okay?"

A woman with heavy makeup and strong perfume smell looked at Lin Qian Yi in surprise, and said apologetically.

However, the gloating in the woman's eyes is very obvious.

Even a blind person could tell that she bumped into Lin Qian Yi on purpose.

Lin Qian Yi glanced at the woman indifferently, making sure that she didn't know her at all, and didn't understand why the woman was hostile to her.

Seeing that Lin Qian Yi didn't speak, the woman raised a fake smile and said, "I accidentally damaged your phone, so how about it, I'll compensate you, now, this is 10,000 yuan."

With that said, the woman took out a stack of money from her handbag and handed it to Lin Qian Yi.

The woman looked at Lin Qian Yi with hostility and disdain.

Lin Qian Yi still did not speak, but looked at the woman coldly.

Lin Qian Yi felt helpless, she just wanted to see her family's fourth master, why did the turmoil keep happening again and again?

It's fine for Du Man, now that a brain-damaged woman has appeared, can she happily meet her fourth master?

"What? Too little?"

Seeing that Lin Qian Yi was unmoved, the mockery in the woman's eyes became more intense.

Before Lin Qian Yi could answer, the woman sneered, and took out two stacks of money from her handbag again.

"Here is 30,000, leave Emperor's Entertainment for me, and never appear in the sight of Emperor's Entertainment again!"

The woman threw three stacks of money on Lin Qian Yi, and growled in a shrill voice.

Being dumped by a stranger with money, Lin Qian Yi's face immediately turned frosty.

"Are you sick? I know you?"

Lin Qian Yi looked at her coldly, and said bluntly.

Lin Qian Yi's words made the woman's eyes widen, and she looked at Lin Qian Yi in disbelief.

Obviously, the woman did not expect that the person who was silent just now would say such unkind words to her the moment he opened his mouth.


After the woman came to her senses, her face flushed red with anger, and she stared at Lin Qian Yi fiercely, as if she wanted the lamp to come out.

"Don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine. I will pay you to leave, which is considered polite to you."

The woman gritted her teeth and said, then cast a disdainful glance at Lin Qian Yi, "I don't even look at what you are, but you dare to try to climb up to Young Master Feng, it's just a dream come true!"

Hearing this, Lin Qian Yi immediately understood where the woman's hostility towards her came from.

The woman in front of him thought she was Di Yanfeng's... lover?

This truth made the corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth twitch fiercely, and she silently rolled her eyes.

It should be that what she said to the security just now was overheard by the woman, that's why she thought she had something to do with Di Yanfeng.

Lin Qian Yi looked at the woman as if she was looking at an idiot.

"Then what are you? I think you want to climb God Yanfeng, right? Tsk tsk, it turned out that it was delivered to your door automatically."

Like the girl, Lin Qian Yi also glanced up and down at the girl, and then looked suddenly enlightened.

"You! Smelly woman! I think you don't want to hang around in City A anymore!"

The woman was furious and uttered cruel words fiercely.

After finishing speaking, the woman rushed towards Lin Qian Yi like crazy, and grabbed Lin Qian Yi's face with her sharp nails.

However, just as she was about to get close to Lin Qian Yi, she was kicked to the ground by a slender and powerful leg.

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