My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 118 Kiss Fourth Master's domineering kick

Seeing the woman being kicked flying and falling hard to the ground, the corner of Lin Qian Yi's mouth twitched slightly, her skills were much deeper than hers.

At least the two kicks she kicked Du Man just now did not kick Du Man into the air.

As soon as Lin Qian Yi finished feeling, a familiar aura enveloped her instantly.

As soon as Lin Qian Yi looked up, she saw the cool and handsome face of her fourth master as expected.

"How? Did you get hurt?"

Di Yanmo looked down at his little wife, his deep eyes shone with worry.

Lin Qian Yi felt warm in her heart for the care of her own fourth master, and shook her head with a smile, "No, she can't hurt me."

If she was injured by this brain-damaged woman, wouldn't the karate and kendo she had learned over the years be a joke?

After hearing Di Yanmo's question, the two security guards on the side couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths, and instantly recalled Lin Qian Yi's fierce kicking just now in his mind.

The two security guards looked at Lin Qian Yi and Di Yanmo, and couldn't help but become a little weird.

They saw just now that the woman lying on the ground and unable to get up for a long time was kicked away by the man who suddenly appeared.

Both of them like the combination of people who kick, I have to say that they really match too well!

The two security guards silently expressed their gratitude.

The woman curled up on the ground, clutching her belly in pain, some blood flowed from her bloody lips.


The woman's eyes were full of pain, and she was about to curse viciously when she looked up, but she met a cold and ruthless gaze, which made her feel scared.

at this time.

"What happened?"

Di Yanfeng came out of Di's Entertainment in a hurry, glanced at the woman curled up on the ground, and then looked at his sister-in-law.

The reason why he asked Lin Qian Yi was because Di Yanfeng knew that even if he asked Di Yanmo, Di Yanmo's silence was golden, so he would not explain it to him.

Seeing Di Yanfeng, Lin Qian Yi nodded, and was about to speak, but was preempted.

"Young Master Feng! Young Master Feng, you have to make the decision for me! They...they attacked me just now, and these two security guards also saw it."

The woman struggled to prop up her upper body, crawled to Di Yanfeng's feet and cried, fearing that Di Yanfeng would not believe it, she dragged the two security guards beside her into the water.


The two security guards brought their president here, and they suddenly became frightened.

Although there are conflicts outside Emperor's Entertainment, they can ignore them, but...if the woman is the president's friend and they don't help...

Thinking of this, the two security guards became more and more uneasy.

Di Yanfeng looked down at the embarrassed woman, and frowned tightly.

"I know you?"

There was a trace of disgust in Di Yanfeng's tone.

This woman, one can tell at a glance that she is one of the many women who want to climb up to him, although he is often photographed by reporters having an affair with a female artist.

But in fact, he has nothing to do with those female stars at all. He doesn't mind if those female stars want to use him to take over the position. As long as it doesn't touch his bottom line, he doesn't mind helping them.

Of course, that's just an entertainer limited to Emperor's Entertainment, he's not some kind of Virgin Mary.

Facing God Yanfeng's impatient gaze, the woman was startled, opened her mouth slightly, and froze for a moment.

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