Seeing that the woman didn't speak, Di Yanfeng became more and more impatient. He can have a good temper with family and friends.

However, for those who are self-righteous, he is not so good-natured.

Just when Di Yanfeng wanted to kick the woman away, the woman finally spoke.

"I... I am Jiang Zhimeng, Young Master Feng, don't you remember? We met yesterday, and you helped me."

The woman sat on the ground, looking at Di Yanfeng pitifully.

That look is as pitiful as it needs to be, and it still has a little bit of aloofness to Lin Qian Yi just now.

"I helped you?"

Di Yanfeng raised his eyebrows, obviously he didn't remember at all.

"Yes, yes, I fell down on the street yesterday, and you got out of the car and helped me up."

Jiang Zhimeng nodded again and again, looking at Di Yanfeng with hope.

However, Di Yanfeng gave her a weird look.

"Miss, the reason why I helped you yesterday was because you were my way. I don't want to stage a thriller in broad daylight."

The corner of Di Yanfeng's mouth curled up in a mocking arc, and he said ruthlessly.

Hearing this, Jiang Zhimeng's eyes widened, and he looked at Di Yanfeng in disbelief.

"No... No, then, at that time, Young Master Feng, you didn't say that!"

Jiang Zhimeng shook his head suddenly, unable to accept what Di Yanfeng said.

"As a gentleman, I will naturally worry about the feelings of the lady."

Di Yanfeng said indifferently, and then his eyes turned cold, "But, now that you have offended someone who shouldn't be offended, I will naturally not be polite to you!"

Although Di Yanfeng didn't know what happened, he believed that with Lin Qian Yi's temperament, he would not take the initiative to cause trouble.

Dare to bully his own sister-in-law? It's just courting death!

Facing God Yanfeng's cold gaze, Jiang Zhimeng suddenly became afraid. She thought that the reason why Di Yanfeng was so gentle to her was because he liked her.

That's why she took the opportunity to look for Di Yanfeng today, hoping to climb up to God Yanfeng and become the wife of the president of Di's Entertainment!

However, all these beautiful dreams were broken by Di Yanfeng himself.

"I don't want her to appear in Emperor's Entertainment's sight again."

Di Yanfeng glanced at Jiang Zhimeng, then looked at the two security guards who had been anxious.

Hearing this, the two security guards immediately nodded, "Yes, yes."

Immediately, two security guards walked over immediately, pressed Jiang Zhimeng and left.

When he was forced to leave, Jiang Zhimeng gave Lin Qian Yi a vicious look. She thought that the reason why Di Yanfeng treated her like this.

It's all because of Lin Qian Yi!

"Sister-in-law, do you want me to deal with her?"

Di Yanfeng naturally noticed Jiang Zhimeng's fierce gaze, so he looked at Lin Qian Yi and asked.

Lin Qian Yi shook her head, "No, I can still handle this kind of stupidity."


Di Yanfeng was silent, mentally retarded? His own sister-in-law turned out to be a poisonous girl too, tsk tsk, amazing.

"Let's go up first."

Di Yanfeng said to Lin Qian Yi and the two of them.

Although no one dared to be afraid at Emperor's Entertainment, he didn't want to stand at the door and eat the northwest wind, so a soft sofa would be better!

"By the way, dear fourth master, why did you come down?"

Lin Qian Yi was embraced by Di Yanmo, and they walked into Di's Entertainment together.

"Of course it's because of you, sister-in-law."

Before Di Yanmo could answer, Di Yanfeng answered first, "My brother knew that sister-in-law was coming, but he hasn't arrived for so long. My brother was worried about you, so he flew down like a gust of wind."

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