Kang Junyan's expression turned cold, and a sharp light flashed through his eyes as dark as an eagle.

"I'll let you know who I am for you."

There was a trace of anger on Kang Junyan's stern face.

Immediately, before Di Yanwei could react, the quilt on her body was suddenly lifted off.

At this time, Di Yanwei was wearing a thin silk pajamas. The thin pajamas fully showed off her alluring curves.

Kang Junyan changed this pajamas for her personally.

Because he didn't want anyone to see her beauty, not even a woman.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Looking at Kang Junyan's cold face, Di Yanwei suddenly had a bad feeling.

Kang Junyan glanced at her coldly, that cold gaze could almost give someone frostbite.

Kang Junyan didn't answer. He quickly grabbed her waist with one big hand, and slapped her butt with the other big hand.


The crisp sound resounded clearly in the huge bedroom.

Di Yanwei, who was spanked, was stunned for a moment, and then his hair suddenly exploded.

"Kang Junyan, how dare you hit me!"

Di Yan blushed slightly, gritted his teeth and stared at Kang Junyan, as if he wanted to fight him.

After such a big man was spanked, Di Yanwei almost had the intention of killing someone.

"If you don't obey, you should be beaten."

Kang Junyan was unmoved, still with a stern face, leaning over her coldly.

This time it was a serious injury, what about next time? He couldn't imagine it.

Therefore, in order to prevent things like this time from happening, he must make her obedient.

"Damn! Kang Junyan, you must be really sick! I can do whatever I want, it's none of your business!

Don't think that just because you are the leader, I am not afraid of you. In my eyes, you are just a domineering bastard!

It just so happens that I have been eating tortoise since I was a child. If you make me angry, be careful that I will cook you and eat you! "

Di Yanwei was lying on the bed unable to move. He could only use his sharp mouth to crackle and attack Kang Junyan mercilessly.

Let Kang Junyan know that although she can't beat him, she can make him angry to death.

Sure enough, after listening to Di Yanwei's words, Kang Junyan's face suddenly darkened.


Kang Junyan slapped her little butt directly, this time a little harder than the last time.

"A sharp-tongued person never learns a lesson."

Being spanked again, although it didn't hurt very much, made Di Yanwei completely crazy.

"Kang Junyan, your uncle, I will fight with you!"

The humiliation of being spanked made Di Yanwei ignore the wounds on his body and get up to fight Kang Junyan.

He spanked her over and over again, and if she didn't get angry, he would really think she was a sick cat!

However, before she could get up, Kang Junyan easily held her down.

At this time, Di Yanwei's hands were clamped by Kang Junyan's big hand, and his legs were pressed by one of his legs, leaving him completely unable to fight back.

"Kang Junyan, please let me go. If you have the ability to fight me openly, don't think that I am afraid of you."

Di Yanwei wanted to break free from Kang Junyan's grasp, but she was already weak and couldn't put in the effort.

Moreover, it also tore the wound on her back shoulder, which made her break into a cold sweat from the pain.

However, in order not to show weakness in front of Kang Junyan, she clenched her teeth and did not cry out in pain.


Kang Junyan slapped her little butt again, with sharp eyes, "Do you want to obey me?"

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