"Kang Junyan, you big bastard! I'm going to fight you!!!"

Di Yanwei struggled harder, as if he couldn't feel the severe pain in the wound.


Kang Junyan slapped him again, with the same cold expression, "Do you want to listen to me?"

"Listen, listen to what the hell!"


"Ah!!! Kang Junyan, you big bastard!"


"Kang Junyan, you are the best among bastards, or bastard for short."

"Pah, pah, pah—"

Gradually, Di Yanwei's curses became weaker and weaker, and Kang Junyan's stern face became darker and darker.

The movements of his men became more and more severe.

"Do you want to listen or not?"

Kang Junyan looked at her with a cold face, as if she would keep beating her if she didn't obey.

This time, Di Yanwei didn't scold him immediately, but stared at him angrily and unconvinced.

"Tell me, do you want to listen?"

Kang Junyan's big hand was raised again, an obvious threat.

Di Yanwei's chest heaved violently, and the pain from the wound made her little face lose all color.

"Stop fighting, why don't I obey you?"

Seeing that Kang Junyan's big hand was about to fall, Di Yanwei finally gave in pitifully.

If the spanking continued, her butt would become swollen, and she didn't want to be unable to even sit down.


Di Yanwei admitted her mistake, but she was spanked again.

"Kang Junyan, you big bastard, you beat me even though I said you were obedient! If you hit me again, believe it or not, I will bite you to death!"

Di Yanwei became angry from embarrassment and roared at Kang Junyan.

Damn it, she has never suffered such humiliation since she was a child.

After she recovers from her injuries, she will definitely settle the score with Kang Junyan, that big bastard!

Di Yan gritted his teeth slightly and made a firm decision in his heart.

"Can't hear you, please speak louder."

Kang Junyan ignored her anger and still forced her to obey.

Di Yanwei clenched his hands tightly, his chest heaved violently, and he stared at Kang Junyan as if he wanted to bite him to death.

However, under Kang Junyan's domineering power, Di Yanwei finally succumbed.

"I said I would be obedient. Sir, can you show your respect and let me go?"

Di Yan slightly amplified his voice and said through gritted teeth.

At this moment, she was literally fuming with rage.

She was seriously ill now, and Kang Junyan even beat her. It was so cold-blooded and heartless that his heart was beaten to death by a dog.

However, she didn't dare to curse any more, lest Kang Junyan would spank her again.

After Kang Junyan stared at her for a long time, he released his grip on her.

Di Yanwei's eyes instantly condensed, his body suddenly rose up, he threw himself on Kang Junyan, opened his mouth and bit his neck.

Kang Junyan was sitting on the edge of the bed, while Di Yanwei was half-kneeling on the bed, grabbing his shoulders with both hands and biting his neck without letting go.


There was no emotion at all on Kang Junyan's stern face, as if he was on the eve of an approaching storm.

It makes people feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"Don't let me go! I'll bite you to death, you big bastard. If you dare to spank me, I'll bite you to death!"

Di Yan said vaguely, his smart eyes full of reluctance to admit defeat.

After tasting the blood in his mouth, Di Yanwei still refused to let go, obviously he was really angry.

"If you don't let go, I'll make your ass blossom."

Kang Junyan's big palm fell on Di Yanwei's butt, and his voice was hoarse and threatening.

PS: I wish you all a happy 520 and find a man who is as domineering and doting as the Fourth Master~O(∩_∩)O~

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