However, what Di Yanwei didn't know was that Kang Junyan had already seen her naked when he was changing her clothes.

Moreover, he almost failed to control it.

If it weren't for her injuries, Kang Junyan would have executed her on the spot.

Why is there any need to be patient?

Di Yanwei was definitely the first person who could make the cold-blooded and resolute Kang Junyan endure.

I believe it will be the only one.

"My butt hurts too, and my teeth hurt too."

Di Yanwei glared at Kang Junyan angrily and said angrily.

At this time, she seemed to be coquettishly treating Kang Junyan.

Therefore, Kang Junyan was not angry, but there was a hint of pampering in his eyes.

"Once you know it hurts, be obedient."

Although Kang Junyan said this, he carefully let Di Yan slightly lie on his shoulder.

"you you……"

Feeling that Kang Junyan was about to take off her pants, Di Yanwei suddenly blushed and subconsciously grabbed her pants with one hand.

Kang Junyan turned his head and looked at her flushed face, with a hint of evil in his eyes.

"Be good, let go."

Kang Junyan coaxed in a rare soft voice.

"I, you, I..."

Di Yanwei stammered, his face full of embarrassment.

She just said it casually, not intending for him to show it to her.

However, when she opened her mouth just now, it was as if she was inviting him to show her naked.

This gave her the urge to drill a hole.

Looking at her embarrassed little face, Kang Junyan felt inexplicably happy, and his deep voice became softer.

"Be good, it will swell if you don't apply the medicine, but it will be fine after applying the medicine."

Kang Junyan's voice reached Di Yanwei's ears, and suddenly it seemed to be magical, making her nod blankly.

When she reacted, she immediately regretted it.

However, it was too late to regret.

Because, her little butt has been lost.

Feeling his big hands applying ointment to her, Di Yanwei felt that his face was burning, as if he was about to explode.

After enduring for a while, Di Yanwei buried his face on the back of Kang Junyan's neck, as if he was too embarrassed to see anyone.

However, she was out of sight.

However, her senses were infinitely magnified, and she could feel his warm palms more clearly.

What Di Yanwei didn't know was that she felt uncomfortable, and Kang Junyan felt even more uncomfortable than she did.

Because everything about her made the passion factor in his body run rampant without moving.

It seemed as if it would rush out of the body at any time, merge into her bones and blood, and become one with it.

Kang Junyan's eyes gradually became darker, and the beautiful scenery just now was still clearly reflected in his mind.

Now he felt the wonderful touch in his palm, which made him want to eat him into his belly.

However, he knew that the little wild cat now could not bear his enthusiasm, so he could only endure it.

"Then, um, okay, okay?"

She didn't know whether it was Di Yanwei's own fever or Kang Junyan's temperature that was too high. She just felt horribly hot all over.


A low voice with a hint of love came from Kang Junyan's thin lips.

"Oh, oh, hurry up then."

Listening to his voice, Di Yanwei felt the heat in his body getting even worse, and he had the urge to run away.


Kang Junyan responded casually, but had no intention of speeding up at all.

Every minute and every second, the two of them felt extremely uncomfortable.

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