However, the situations of the two of them were different. Kang Junyan was in pain and happy at the same time.

Di Yanwei, on the other hand, was so embarrassed that he wanted to dig a hole and bury himself.

After a long time, just when Di Yanwei felt that blood would rush to her head and explode, Kang Junyan finally finished applying the ointment on her.

In an instant, Di Yanwei breathed a sigh of relief.

"Open your mouth."

After taking care of his buttocks, Kang Junyan cast his gaze on Di Yanwei's red lips.

Yes, totally ‘red lips’.

Because her mouth was stained with bright red blood, it turned into 'red lips'.

"Well, my tooth is fine. It won't hurt anymore after it recovers."

Di Yan slightly glanced at the bloody wound on Kang Junyan's neck, and suddenly felt guilty.

Actually, apart from being a bit domineering and strong, that bastard Kang Junyan is actually pretty good.

At least when he treated her wounds just now, he was gentle and gentlemanly.

However, what will be Di Yanwei's reaction when he knows Kang Junyan's true inner thoughts?

Bite Kang Junyan to death?

"Open your mouth."

Kang Junyan is still tough.

Di Yanwei, "..."

Well, being domineering and strong is actually a bit annoying.

In order to prevent himself from getting more injured, Di Yanwei still opened his mouth obediently and allowed Kang Junyan to do whatever he wanted.

Fifteen minutes later, Di Yanwei was put back on the bed by Kang Junyan and sat upright.

Feeling the burning in his little butt, Di Yanwei's slight affection for Kang Junyan just now disappeared without a trace.

"I'm hungry, go get me something to eat."

Di Yanwei regained his carefree demeanor, looked up at Kang Junyan, and said confidently.

That arrogant look, like a queen.

Kang Junyan raised his eyebrows and didn't care about her commanding tone.

Seeing Kang Junyan obediently walk out of the bedroom, Di Yan smiled arrogantly, with a cunning light shining in his eyes.

"Humph, dear, my powers of observation are second to none. Once I find out everything, I will crush you, you big bastard, to death."

After spending one night and one day together, she had somewhat figured out Kang Junyan's temperament.

Although it is only a little bit, it is already powerful.

After all, the other party is the head of a country who is cold-blooded, decisive in killing, and most importantly, he is also very moody.

Therefore, the final conclusion is that as long as she doesn't deny him or step on his minefield, he will be very tolerant to her.

For example, now, if you ask him to get food, he will get it obediently.

Tsk tsk, the only person who can command the head of a country like this is Di Yanwei.

Moreover, Kang Junyan was willing to do so.

Soon, Kang Junyan came in pushing a dining cart.

Pushing the dining cart to the bedside, Kang Junyan filled a bowl of porridge and sat on the bedside, "You are injured, eat something light first, and then you can choose what you like."

As he spoke, Kang Junyan picked up a spoonful of minced meat porridge, blew it carefully, and put it to Di Yanwei's mouth.

Seeing Kang Junyan's clumsy movements, Di Yanwei's eyes flashed with surprise.

She had no idea that the domineering and powerful Kang Junyan would have such a...'gentle' side?


Seeing that Di Yan didn't open his mouth slightly, Kang Junyan frowned.

Di Yanwei quickly came to his senses and raised his hand to take the porridge in his hand, "I can do it myself."

However, Kang Junyan avoided her hand.

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