My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1179 If you don’t let go, I’ll eat you

Di Yanwei yelled again, his tone full of threats.

However, Kang Junyan remained unmoved and continued to catch up on his sleep.

The softness in her arms last night made him feel lustful for almost the whole night. It was not until dawn that he fell into a light sleep.

It's only eight o'clock now, how could he let go? Moreover, the softness in his arms made him reluctant to let go.

Then I am even more unwilling to let go.

Seeing that Kang Junyan was still motionless, Di Yanwei raised a treacherous smile on his lips.

Then he opened his mouth, bit down on the wall of flesh in front of him, and grinded his teeth evilly.


Kang Junyan, who was in a light sleep, snorted, and there was a hint of affection in his slowly opened eyes.

Feeling the strangeness in his chest, Kang Junyan felt a hot feeling exploding from his body, making him almost unable to control himself.

Even the breath he breathed out became extraordinarily warm.

And his eyes, as dark as an eagle, were even more terrifyingly hot.


Kang Junyan's face was expressionless, but his voice was full of a different kind of emotion and depression.

"Humph, then let me go first."

Di Yanwei hummed proudly, biting him and speaking vaguely.

When she spoke, Kang Junyan, who had been holding back, almost ate her up and wiped her clean.


Kang Junyan groaned in comfort, the heat in his body became even crazier, and in one place, it became even harder.

"If you don't let go, I will eat you now."

Kang Junyan's extremely depressed voice sounded in her ears, full of charm and danger.

At the same time, he moved his body, allowing the person in his arms to feel his passion more clearly.

Especially the passion in one place.

Di Yanwei was still feeling proud and determined to win the round this time.

However, when she felt something pressing against her belly, she suddenly felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

He subconsciously let go, his mouth slightly opened in shock, and his eyes almost popped out of his head.

"you you you……"

Di Yanwei was frightened and angry at this time, his face turned red, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

Although she has only lived for twenty years, as a new woman in the 21st century, she still knows what she should know.

Therefore, she knew very well what the thing pressing against her belly was!

To be precise, it belongs to Kang Junyan, the big bastard!

"You, you big bastard, big hooligan!"

Di Yan blushed slightly with embarrassment, and was so angry that he used his hands and feet again to escape from Kang Junyan's arms.

However, Kang Junyan's power was so powerful that she couldn't escape at all.

However, what Di Yanwei didn't know was that her struggling method made Kang Junyan's body even more passionate.


The friction of the person in his arms made him become even more swollen, as if he was about to burst.

Kang Junyan's eyes turned scarlet, and his stern face was full of forbearance.

From the slight sweat on his forehead, it can be seen how hard he was enduring at this time.

Suddenly, Kang Junyan's eyes dimmed, he lowered his head and captured her lips instantly, pressing a strong thigh on her legs.

Another big hand held her waist, allowing her to feel his heat more clearly.


His aggressive kiss made Di Yanwei struggle.

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