However, when she felt something pressing against her belly, which made her even more scalding, she immediately stopped moving.

She seemed to have heard someone say that when a man reacts, he must not move, otherwise he will get burned.

Therefore, in order not to get burned, she had better hold her body up obediently.

Although you will be ordered tofu, but it is better than being eaten up, right?

Of course, although her body was stretched out, she never stopped slandering Kang Junyan in her heart.

In the large bedroom, the temperature gradually increased.

Just when Di Yanwei was thinking whether she should fight to the death to protect her integrity, Kang Junyan finally let her go.

Seeing the blushing face and extra red lips of the person in his arms, the corners of Kang Junyan's mouth rose slightly.

"Next time you move around, I'm going to eat you."

Kang Junyan took a bite on her red lips and hinted at a warning.

Di Yanwei, who was standing upright, dared not say anything in anger, so he could only nod his head obediently.

Of course, the reason why she didn't speak was because she was afraid that if she opened her mouth, she would be furious and scold Kang Junyan, a big bastard.


Di Yanwei's obedience made Kang Junyan rub her head with satisfaction, then let her go and stood up, walking elegantly to the bathroom.

There is no unnaturalness in the slightest because of the naked fruit on his body.

Be good, you big bastard.

Di Yanwei cursed in his heart.

When he inadvertently raised his eyes and saw Kang Junyan naked, Di Yanwei felt that her eyes were going to go blind!

She, she, what did she just see? !

Although it was only for a moment, she still saw what she should see, and she still saw it clearly!

That thing that was so awe-inspiring to her was almost blinding her!

"Damn it, Kang Junyan, you are a pervert, and you are also a perverted fighter! Sooner or later, I will bite you to death."

After Kang Junyan entered the bathroom, Di Yanwei suddenly came back to his senses and cursed in shame and anger.

After finishing scolding, Di Yanwei quickly stood up.

If you don’t run away now, how long will you wait? She didn't want to be poked and squashed by Kang Junyan's pervert again.

Goosebumps suddenly arose when she thought of the hot thing that had been pressed against her belly just now, with only a thin layer of fabric separating it from her.

"What a pervert, I wish you will be full of passion and immortality forever. I will suffocate you to death, you big pervert!"

Di Yanwei couldn't help it, and he cursed again through gritted teeth.

As for revenge, wait until she recovers from her injuries. The most important thing now is to escape from the pervert.


Di Yanwei finally got up and sat up, feeling a sharp pain in his butt.

"Damn it! You bastard is so perverted, I will get back the humiliation you gave me one day sooner or later!"

Holding his stinging buttocks, Di Yanwei couldn't help but curse angrily again.

However, the action did not stop.

After carefully sneaking behind the door, Di Yanwei suddenly turned his head and made a face in the direction of the bathroom.

"Goodbye, you damn pervert."

Di Yanwei waved his hand proudly, then opened the door, wanting to start an escape.

However, as soon as he took one step, his escape plan was instantly strangled in the cradle.

"Good morning, madam."

Yan Ping stood up straight and greeted Di Yanwei respectfully.

Looking at Yan Ping's expressionless face, Di Yanwei's face twitched slightly, feeling as if he had been struck by lightning.

"Haha, morning, morning."

Di Yan replied with a slight smile.

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