In his mind, Kang Junyan was a lofty god, a being he had looked up to all his life.

It's both awe and admiration.

Now, the wife identified by the chief was ridiculed and slandered by others, so he was naturally angry.

However, seeing that Emperor Yanwei was unmoved and made no other moves, he could only stand still and remain motionless.

Seeing Yan Ping's silence, Huo Shiyi and the others automatically thought that he was acquiescing.

As a result, Huo Shiyi became even more proud.

After hearing Huo Shiyi's interesting words, Xu Yixi frowned even more.

" everything Shiyi said true?"

Xu Yixi stared at Di Yanwei closely and asked in disbelief, "Are you really with Chief Kang?"

The only leader of country A named Kang was Kang Junyan of the Kang family, so Xu Yixi was so surprised after hearing Huo Shiyi's words.

Although Gong Yadi on the side did not speak, there was a flash of jealousy in his eyes.

However, no one discovered it.

Seeing Xu Yixi's shocked look, Di Yan took a deep breath, then smiled bitterly and said, "If I said no, would you believe it?"

She was referring to Huo Shiyi's slanderous words.

Di Yan's slightly dim and smart eyes looked straight at Xu Yixi, not letting go of any of his expressions.

Hearing this, Xu Yixi did not speak, but looked at Yan Ping, who was standing behind her, with obvious disbelief in his eyes.

Di Yanwei took his reaction into his eyes, and the wry smile at the corner of his mouth couldn't help but grow deeper.

She should have known better, shouldn't she?

Perhaps, this is the best thing. From now on, truly let go and be your domineering and bold self, doing whatever you want.

Instead of changing yourself for others.

"Haha, do you think we are all fools? But there is a wild man standing behind you? Thank you for letting Brother Yixi believe it.

Di Yanwei, are you too ridiculous? "

Huo Shiyi was poking at Di Yanwei's wounds all the time.

As long as Di Yanwei is unhappy or unlucky, she will be very happy.

Didn't Di Yanwei like Brother Yixi before? Then she would tear her apart in front of Brother Yixi and make her miserable!

This time, Di Yanwei finally looked directly at Huo Shiyi, with a hint of coldness in his smart eyes.

Now that she has decided to let it go, she won't worry about anything anymore.

Di Yanwei crossed his arms across his chest and looked at Huo Shiyi funny, "Am I funny? I think it's you who's funny, right?"

What about my private life is none of your business? who do you think You Are? The whole world is yours to control?

Are you taking yourself too seriously? "

Di Yanwei spoke so unceremoniously that Huo Shiyi's face, which had been proud just now, turned dark instantly.

Then, without waiting for Huo Shiyi to refute, she added, "Also, I have to say, your thoughts are too dirty, right?

I was just shopping with my male friends, and you started slandering me and calling me a wild man.

Then I would like to ask, if you are surrounded by a bunch of men all day long, do you have a bunch of wild men? "

Having said this, Di Yanwei looked admiring, "Tsk, tsk, you really have a huge appetite. Can you really cope with so many wild men?"

After finishing, he glanced at her up and down and said, "Well, if you can get up and go shopping now, it means you can handle it more than enough."

Di Yan nodded slightly, as if that was really the case.

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