My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1196 Madam’s skills are getting deeper and deeper

If Di Yan had something to say, the people present were all adults, so they naturally understood what she meant.

Listening to his wife's shameful and angry counterattack, Yan Ping couldn't help but twitching the corner of his mouth slightly.

My wife's poisonous tongue skills are really becoming more and more profound.

Xu Yixi pursed her lips and looked at Di Yanwei with disapproval, as if he was blaming her.

The passers-by standing around looked at Huo Shiyi with strange eyes after hearing Di Yanwei's words.

This made Huo Shiyi want to tear Di Yanwei to pieces on the spot.

Although she said that Di Yanwei was dumped by a man and had a wild man, she never said such explicit words.

However, Di Yanwei not only said it, but also said it in a public place like a shopping mall, without lowering his voice at all!

"You, you, Di Yanwei, you bitch, how dare you slander and humiliate me!"

Huo Shiyi's face turned red with embarrassment and anger, and she almost rushed forward and started a fight with Di Yanwei.

"Did I slander you? Humiliate you?"

Di Yan tilted his head slightly, blinked his smart eyes, and asked in confusion.

"I just returned your words to you. Why did I slander and humiliate you?"

"You are just slandering and humiliating me!"

Huo Shiyi yelled at her.

"All right."

Di Yanwei shrugged nonchalantly, "These are your words. If you say humiliation, then it is humiliation."

Di Yanwei's compromise did not turn off Huo Shiyi's flames, but instead made them burn even more intensely.

"Di Yanwei, you shameless bitch, I'm going to tear your mouth apart, bitch, die!!"

Huo Shiyi was so angry that she wanted to take action regardless of the fact that she was in a public place.

However, he was pulled back by Gong Yadi.

"Shiyi, calm down and don't be impulsive."

Gong Yadi reassured, "The innocent will be innocent. You are innocent. Don't be afraid of what others will say. As long as you have a clear conscience, you will be fine."

After saying that, he looked at Di Yanwei again.

"Miss Di, although my cousin just made a mistake.

But how could you say something like that to slander her? As a woman, you should know how important reputation is to a woman.

My cousin has been clean and tidy since she was a child. When she was about to graduate from college, she got a boyfriend. She was definitely not what you slandered. "

Gong Yadi's words were righteous, as if he was on the side of justice.

Coupled with her charming appearance, it really makes people feel pity for her no matter how she looks at her.

In response, Di Yanwei just sneered, "Miss Gong is questioning me? You said I slandered her, didn't she just slander me?"

Suddenly, Di Yanwei's expression changed, he stared at Gong Yadi sharply, and said aggressively:

"Miss Gong, can I understand that you only allow Guanzhou to set fires and not allow people to light lamps?

Do I have no background, so I have to let you ladies bully me? Can't refute?

If this is the case, then I have to admit that your Huo family and Gong family really cover the sky with one hand! "

Di Yanwei's words were neither sharp nor sharp, and they directly escalated the quarrel between women into a family matter.

Moreover, the Huo family and the Gong family were given certain high hats.

If Gong Yadi admits it and the matter spreads, it will be very detrimental to the Gong Huo family and may even lead to a catastrophe.

After all, there are many more powerful people in City A than the Gonghuo family.

Of course, if Gong Yadi denies it, she will lose face as a young lady.

At the same time, it also acquiesced that the Gong family was not very good.

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