Kang Junyan stared at Di Yanwei for a long time, as if to confirm whether she was duplicity.

After a long time, Kang Junyan said coldly, "It's best this way."

Seeing that Kang Junyan's expression seemed to have softened, Di Yanwei reached out and pulled his big hand holding her chin.

"Let go. Don't keep pinching my chin for no reason. If I pinch it crookedly, will you pay for it?!"

Di Yan complained resentfully.

Kang Junyan let go and saw the red mark on her chin and a flash of pity in her eyes as dark as an eagle.

His little wildcat was more delicate than he thought, and he didn't use much strength at all.

"Do you have to go to the engagement ceremony?"

Kang Junyan suddenly asked, his expression terrifyingly calm, as if a storm was coming.

Di Yanwei did not answer immediately, but blinked and glanced at Kang Junyan doubtfully.

After a moment, he nodded slightly and said, "Yes."

Immediately, Di Yanwei rolled his eyes and said, "Actually...if you are free, you can go with me."

After thinking about it, Di Yanwei decided that it would be better to take Kang Junyan there.

Although it would cause a little trouble, it was a slap in the face, and it could also clarify the relationship between her and Xu Yixi.

To prevent those idiots from saying that she likes Xu Yixi all day long, although she seemed to have a slight affection for Xu Yixi before.

However, after Xu Yixi and Gong Yadi got together, that good feeling was gradually wiped away.

Di Yanwei's invitation caused the cold air on Kang Junyan's body to dissipate instantly, and his thin lips still showed signs of rising.


Kang Junyan responded without hesitation.

Di Yanwei was a little surprised by Kang Junyan's cheerfulness, but he was not entangled.

After all, in her mind, Kang Junyan was a non-human being with a non-human brain circuit that she, a normal human being, could not imagine.

Xu Yixi and Gong Yadi's engagement party was held in a five-star hotel.

After seven o'clock, many people had already arrived.

Looking at the media outside, Di Yanwei couldn't help but frown.

It's just an engagement party, why are so many media coming? Although the Gong family is several levels better off than the Xu family.

However, it has only squeezed into the threshold of the upper class society, and there is still a distance between it and the real upper class society.

Yan Ping quickly got out of the car from the driver's seat, and then respectfully helped Kang Junyan open the door from the outside.

Seeing Kang Junyan was about to get out of the car, Di Yanwei quickly stopped him.

Kang Junyan's stern face remained unchanged, and his eyes as dark as an eagle looked at her quietly.

Meeting his gaze, Di Yan opened his mouth slightly. After hesitating for a moment, he finally spoke.

"There's media here."

Kang Junyan took back the steps he was about to get out of the car and looked sideways at her, "Are you afraid? Or do you not like to have anything to do with me?"

Di Yanwei rolled his eyes speechlessly, "You're so scared, aren't you always a low-key person? Now there's so much media, don't you mind?"

She was obviously thinking about him, but it was good for him that she actually blamed him in turn.

Hearing this, Kang Junyan's stern face softened a bit, and he rubbed her head lovingly with his big hands.

"Don't worry, they don't dare."

Kang Junyan's tone was full of certainty.

Di Yan glanced at him slightly, with a hint of suspicion in his smart eyes.

He doesn't dare to say he doesn't dare?

Those media dared to write about anything, and if he stood outside for such a big man, even if he didn't dare to take pictures openly, he would take pictures secretly, right?

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