After all, Kang Junyan is a popular figure in country A, and his news is very precious.

However, since Kang Junyan said so, she would naturally not worry about anything anymore.

Kang Junyan got out of the car first, followed by Di Yanwei.

After getting out of the car, Di Yanwei thought there would be constant flashlights directed at them. However, to his surprise, no media dared to photograph them?

Looking at the media whose faces were full of shock and awe, Di Yanwei couldn't help but feel that Kang Junyan was the only one to be respected.

At first, Di Yanwei thought the media were stunned and didn't take pictures of them.

However, until they entered the hotel, the media did not take pictures of them.

Di Yanwei couldn't help but look at Kang Junyan with doubt. Does this big bastard really have such power?

Even the media dare not photograph him?

Di Yanwei couldn't help but become curious about Kang Junyan, the unfathomable leader.

It is really not easy for a chief executive to be feared by the media, powerful people, and even the president.

Feeling Di Yanwei's gaze, Kang Junyan turned to look at her, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"What? Fall in love with me?"

Although Kang Junyan said this easily, there was a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Di Yan came back to his senses slightly, and when he heard his narcissistic words, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at him, "Haha, are you dreaming?"

Kang Junyan's hand around her waist tightened slightly, "Sooner or later you will fall in love with me, and you can only fall in love with me."

Di Yanwei was already very familiar with Kang Junyan's domineering strength because he was not arguing with him.

When there was no response from Di Yanwei, Kang Junyan's dark eyes flashed with a dark light.

As soon as Di Yanwei and Kang Junyan appeared, they immediately attracted a lot of attention.

The originally lively scene suddenly became silent, and everyone in the venue had a look of shock.

It was as if he had seen some incredible scene.

The people who came to this banquet had all seen a lot of the world, so they quickly came back to their senses after the shock.

"Oh, Sir, you are so welcome."

The old man of the Gong family hurriedly greeted him respectfully, with a flattering smile on his old face.

Although the Gong family's wealth is good, it is not worth mentioning compared to the Kang family.

What's more, Kang Junyan is still the head of a country, so he has awesome power!

It is naturally impossible to offend such a powerful person, so it is just to please.

"I can't believe that my daughter's engagement banquet can be attended by you, the chief minister. It's really my daughter's blessing, and of course it's also the honor of my palace family."

Mr. Gong flattered Kang Junyan vigorously, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was flattering Kang Junyan.

However, the people present did not think there was anything wrong with the old man of the Gong family.

After all, if you can climb up to Kang Junyan, you will definitely get a lot of benefits.

Moreover, it can also double his worth.

Seeing the respectful and courteous appearance of the old man from the Gong family, Di Yanwei couldn't help but sigh, power is a very good thing!

She had met Mr. Gong before, but Mr. Gong didn't know her true identity and thought she was just a member of an ordinary family.

Therefore, he always looked at her with disdain and contempt, as if looking at her one more time would stain his old eyes.

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