However, now facing Kang Junyan, a man who covers the sky with one hand, the old man of the Gong family has put down all his pride.

It's just that he didn't kneel down and lick Kang Junyan.

Di Yanwei raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, but he didn't say anything.

Faced with the flattery of the old man of the Gong family, Kang Junyan still had a stern face, and his eyes as dark as an eagle swept over him coldly.

"Who are you?"

Kang Junyan asked coldly, his tone revealing infinite coldness, which made people tremble in their hearts.

Kang Junyan's cold attitude could be described as a slap in the face of Mr. Gong in public.

After all, Mr. Gong kept trying to get closer, but Kang Junyan didn't recognize him at all.

Isn't this ironic?

Mr. Gong's expression suddenly froze, his face full of embarrassment, and a hint of shame and anger flashed in his eyes.

However, he did not dare to get angry at Kang Junyan.

Those present originally wanted to please Kang Junyan, but with the example of Mr. Gong.

Many people immediately gave up the idea of ​​trying to please.

After all, it didn't matter if he was embarrassed, but it would be bad if he angered Kang Junyan.

Gong Wenqing, who was standing behind Mr. Gong, gritted his teeth and finally stepped forward to save his father.

"Forgive me, Sir, this is my father.

And I am the father of my little girl. I am really grateful that the chief minister took the time from his busy schedule to attend my little girl’s engagement party. "

Gong Wenqing introduced Kang Junyan with a smile.

At the same time, Kang Junyan inevitably asked who you were again, so he introduced himself by the way.


"Step aside."

Kang Junyan glanced at Gong Wenqing, who was blocking his way, and ordered coldly.

Regarding Kang Junyan's words, not only Gong Wenqing was stunned, but even the people present were stunned.

Why do they feel that Kang Junyan doesn't seem to be here to attend the engagement party, but instead seems to be here to cause trouble?

Could it be that he doesn't like the Gong family? Or did the Gong family offend him?

Everyone couldn't help but speculate in their hearts.

Seeing that Gong Wenqing was stunned for no apparent reason, Yan Ping, who was following behind, stepped forward to explain in time.

"The chief is not here for Miss Gong."

Yan Ping said to Gong Wenqing.

The Gong family father and son looked at each other, and then Mr. Gong asked cautiously, "Then the chief is here for Yixi?"

At an engagement party, if you are not there for the woman, you are here for the man.

However, Yan Ping denied it without hesitation, "No, the chief came with his wife."


Mr. Gong made a sound in astonishment, his old eyes widened.

"That's right." Yan Ping nodded.

In an instant, everyone present looked at Di Yanwei, who was beside Kang Junyan.

At first, because Kang Junyan was so bright, everyone simply ignored Di Yanwei.

As a result, after Yan Ping reminded everyone, everyone realized that Kang Junyan, who had never been around a woman, was now hugging a woman!

Moreover, Yan Ping also called her madam!

Oh my God! When did the cold and iron-blooded Kang Junyan have a wife? Why is there no news at all? !

Everyone was stunned by the news and didn't know how to react.

Especially those unmarried women, they are simply envious and jealous of Di Yanwei!

After looking at Di Yanwei for a moment, Mr. Gong finally recognized Di Yanwei.

"It's you?!"

Mr. Gong exclaimed, his face full of surprise and disbelief.

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