Feeling the still hot gaze behind him, Di Yanwei clenched his hands tightly and used extra strength every step he took.

It was as if he was stepping on Kang Junyan.

Di Yanwei walked into the bathroom and quickly washed his face to calm down his anger.


After washing his face a few times, Di Yanwei took a deep breath and felt that the fire in his body was gradually extinguished.

However, as soon as he raised his head to wipe his face with a tissue, he saw Gong Yadi with a ferocious and twisted face.

Seeing her looking like she was about to eat someone, Di Yan raised his eyebrows indifferently and took out a few tissues to wipe his face as if nothing had happened.

At this moment, Di Yanwei couldn't help but feel glad that he didn't like makeup, otherwise, after washing his face like this, he would have to put on makeup again.

For her who never likes trouble, putting on makeup is a very troublesome thing.

Seeing Di Yanwei turning a blind eye to her, Gong Yadi's anger became even more intense.

The resentment in her eyes made her carefully decorated face become even more distorted.

"Di Yanwei, you are a bitch. You can't seduce Yixi. Now you go to seduce the leader again. You are a bitch!"

Gong Yadi gritted his teeth and growled at Di Yanwei.

However, in addition to resentment, there was also a bit of jealousy in her eyes.

Obviously, she was jealous of Emperor Yanwei for being able to attract Kang Junyan's fancy.

After wiping his face, Di Yanwei threw the tissue into the trash can. When he heard Gong Yadi's words, a cold light flashed through his smart eyes.

"Bitch? Bitch?"

Di Yan smiled slightly and looked at her with a half-smile, "Are you talking about yourself?"

"You said I seduced Xu Yixi, how could I seduce him? I remember, Xu Yixi and I met first, right?

If we talk about seduction, it should be you who seduces him. After all, many people know that he has confessed to me several times.

However, not long after you appeared, you two got together. Anyone who is not blind knows that you were the one who seduced him, right? "

Having said this, Di Yanwei had a mocking smile on his face, "Also, Miss Gong, who do you think you are?

Who am I hanging out with is none of your business? "

"You talk about seduction all day long. Could it be that you are this kind of person?"

Di Yanwei asked mockingly, and then nodded in realization, "That's right, wasn't it you who seduced Xu Yixi?

I have to say, Miss Gong, your seduction skills are really good. "

Speaking of the latter part, Di Yan said slightly appreciatively.

Di Yanwei's words contained no mercy at all.

"Di Yanwei, you are such a mouthful! Yixi and I are in love with each other.

Yixi didn't choose you in the end because he saw through your true colors of arrogance and cruelty! "

Gong Yadi's face turned red with anger, her hands clenched into fists, and she screamed at Di Yanwei.

At this moment, does she still have a trace of the lady's demeanor? At most, she is just a street shrew wearing noble clothes.

"Don't think that the leader is sincere to you, he is just playing with you.

You don’t even know what kind of thing you are. You are as noble as a leader. How could you be serious with a bitch like you who comes from a poor family?

To be able to give birth to a bitch like you, your mother must not be a good person. You only know how to seduce men, bitches!

You bitches, never think about turning a pheasant into a phoenix in this life! "

At this moment, Gong Yadi could no longer care about her image and started yelling at Di Yanwei.

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