Those words were extremely sharp and vicious.

Di Yanwei, who didn't care much at first, suddenly turned cold, and his smart eyes flashed with a sharp light.

"Gong Yadi, my mother, it's not your turn to comment! Since you are shameless, there is no need for me to give you shame!"

Di Yanwei suddenly approached her, his voice full of coldness, "I am a bitch, then who is your mother?

Everyone in City A knows that your mother is just a mistress, so what shame do you have to call me a bitch?

Could it be that when you and your mistress's mother were not in power, you were often called a bitch? So, you can’t live without the bitch in your mouth, right?

Then I have to say, you are really a complete bitch! "

Every word Di Yanwei pierced Gong Yadi's heart, digging out all her bad things and spreading them out bloody.

As we all know, although Gong Yadi is the eldest daughter of the Gong family, she is an illegitimate daughter and was only taken back to the Gong family when she was ten years old.

Her mother also came to power shortly after the death of the main palace.

Di Yanwei originally didn't want to poke her wound, but Gong Yadi took it a step further and even insulted her mother, so don't blame her for being rude!

"Your mother really taught you very well. Even though she became a mistress, she still taught her daughter how to seduce men.

Obviously, your mother's teachings were very successful. Congratulations to you, mother and daughter, for turning a pheasant into a phoenix and realizing your dream of wealth. "

Di Yanwei's words were full of sarcasm, and he looked at Gong Yadi as if he were looking at garbage.

If the villain is the first to file a complaint, it must be Gong Yadi.

Her previous concessions did not earn her any consideration, but instead Gong Yadi pushed her further.

If she didn't break out, would she really be considered a sick cat?

"you you……"

Gong Yadi's eyes were horribly scarlet, and her whole body was trembling slightly, obviously she was very angry.

The fact that her mother was a mistress and she was an illegitimate daughter has always been a pain in her heart.

Her mother has been sitting upright for more than ten years, but she knows that although those people are respectful and flattering to her on the surface.

Secretly, he was very disdainful and mocking towards her.

She has been deceiving herself, telling herself that she is now the eldest lady of the Gong family and a being that others can please.

Therefore, there is no need to hold on to the past.

However, now Di Yanwei dug out what she had worked so hard to bury.

It reminded her of the past, when the people around her looked at her with ridicule and disdain, and even called her a bastard.

"No, no, no! I am the eldest lady of the Gong family, I am the eldest lady of the Gong family, I am not some bastard! No, no!!"

Gong Yadi grabbed her hair on both sides with both hands, her face full of pain, and her delicate face became more and more ferocious.

Seeing that Gong Yadi was lost in his own thoughts, Di Yanwei's expression was indifferent, without any sympathy.

poor person must have something mean.

She is not a saint. Although she will not take the initiative to attack others, if others step on her bottom line.

She will definitely fight back without mercy.

Di Yanwei ignored the painful Gong Yadi, walked around her, opened the door and walked out.

However, she had just taken a few steps when Gong Yadi's cold voice came from behind her.

"Di Yanwei, you forced me, you forced me!"

Gong Yadi roared fiercely, and his scarlet eyes became crazy.

Di Yan stopped slightly and turned around to look.

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