Afraid that the reporters outside the gate had not yet left, Di Yanwei and the others left directly through the back door.

At the same time, they did not drive, but walked directly.

Under the guidance of Di Yanwei, the three of them arrived at a busy snack street.

Looking at the dazzling array of stalls, a yearning smile appeared on Di Yanwei's face, revealing his potential as a foodie.

As a young lady of the Di family, she needs to pay attention to her manners on any occasion. This is undoubtedly the most painful thing for the wanton and bold Di Yanwei.

Although she didn't care about other people's opinions, she had to take care of the relatives around her.

Especially her parents, she couldn't do anything to help her parents, but at least she tried not to cause trouble for her parents.

So, in order not to cause trouble to my parents.

At the same time, in order not to wrong herself, she resolutely moved out of the old house of the Di family and became independent on her own.

"Let's go. I'm treating you to this meal. You can order and take whatever you want. You don't have to be polite to me."

Di Yanwei, who was in a very good mood, waved his hand and said proudly to Kang Junyan and Yan Ping.

After saying that, he took the lead towards those barbecue stalls and couldn't wait to leave.

Kang Junyan frowned and glanced at the outdoor barbecue stalls, with a faint resistance in his eyes.

Although Kang Junyan is not picky about food, he still doesn't like the nutritious junk food from these outdoor barbecue stalls.

The most important thing is that these open-air barbecue stalls have no guarantee of hygiene.

Kang Junyan frowned, as if struggling, but when he saw Di Yanwei's high-spirited look.

All the resistance was gone, that's all, it should be fine if you eat it once in a while.

As long as you don't eat it often, it's fine.

After reluctantly convincing himself in his heart, Kang Junyan followed Di Yanwei's footsteps.

Yan Ping, who was following behind, looked at his leader in shock.

If it were in the past, the chief minister would probably not even look at these open-air barbecue stalls, right?

Why now...

Looking at the leader who was accompanying his wife, he seemed not to be stimulated by the spicy smell of barbecue at all.

Yan Ping couldn't help but sigh: The chief is so kind to his wife.

For the sake of his wife, the chief would go so far as to do something he didn't like and even stay with her patiently.

In the past, Yan Ping would not have dared to think about it.

This shows how much the chief cares and dotes on his wife.

On the other side, after standing in front of a stall and ordering a bunch of things, Di Yanwei raised his head and asked Kang Junyan, "Is there anything you want to eat?"

Seeing the stall owner quickly grilling Di Yan's food on the iron stove, Kang Junyan shook his head, "No need."

Then, as if he thought of something, Kang Junyan said again, "Don't eat too much, or you may get a stomachache."

After thinking about it, he added again, "In the future, you'd better eat less. If you like barbecue, you can ask the chef at home to cook it."

Di Yan blinked slightly, and after thinking about it, he realized what he meant.

"Don't worry, I don't come here to eat often, I only come here once in a while. It's been more than a month since I last came here to eat.

Moreover, the feeling of eating out is completely different from eating at home. "

Di Yan said with a smile, and then stared at the barbecue on the shelf, almost drooling.

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