My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1239 Kang Junyan, you are actually a pretty good person.

For Di Yanwei, eating barbecue is very rare.

Because she was afraid that those people from the Di family would see it and then use it to exaggerate it in the Di family.

Then naturally, her parents will be involved, making fun of her for being poorly taught.

Therefore, every time she goes out to have barbecue, she always feels a little sneaky.

However, if Kang Junyan refused to eat, Di Yanwei would not force it. After all, everyone has their own preferences and cannot force it.

"Okay, let's sit and wait."

Di Yanwei pulled Kang Junyan and sat down on the low table and stool beside him.

Kang Junyan is almost 1.9 meters tall, sitting on a low stool, and he really feels like a giant.

Di Yan held back his smile slightly and waited for the barbecue in a happy mood.

After a moment, Di Yanwei looked at Kang Junyan and said with emotion, "Kang Junyan, you are actually quite a good person, although you are a bit domineering, strong and rogue.

However, other aspects are still very good. "

Thinking of the time he got to know Kang Junyan and how they got along with him, Di Yanwei found that Kang Junyan was a good person.

At least, his loyalty was not as hypocritical as those people's, and even in times of danger, he did not leave her alone.

Instead, he protected her without hesitation.

Although she often gets angry and bites her to death, it is undeniable that Kang Junyan has a really good character.

At least, when getting along with him, she didn't have to think about whether he would plot against her or take advantage of her.

Regarding Di Yanwei's unusual compliment, Kang Junyan's expression changed, and finally turned into a trace of helplessness.

"So, should I thank you for the compliment?"

Kang Junyan asked evilly, his eyes staring at her for a moment.

Di Yanwei, who never knew what politeness meant, waved his hand and said boldly, "Haha, you don't need to thank me, I'm just telling the truth."

“But, if you insist on thanking me, that’s fine.

Of course, I'm not greedy either. Just give me any gift you want. "

What does it mean to lie down along the pole? Di Yanwei is an example of Chi Guoguo!

Of course, Di Yanwei was actually just joking. Who made Kang Junyan and Yan Ping both boring gourds?

If she calms down the atmosphere appropriately, life will be better, right?

However, will Kang Junyan, who has always been serious, take her words as a joke?

As soon as Di Yanwei finished speaking, the stall owner brought the barbecue she ordered.

After Di Yanwei happily paid the order, he pushed the barbecue to the middle and greeted Kang Junyan and Yan Ping warmly.

"Come on, come on, eat, eat, eat. Even though these barbecues don't look good on the outside, they actually taste very good."

After saying that, without waiting for their reaction, she eagerly picked up the barbecue and ate it.

Di Yanwei, who was eating happily, completely forgot about the topic just now.

Seeing Di Yanwei eating so happily, Yan Ping couldn't help but pick up a skewer and try it.

After feeling that it tasted good, I continued to eat.

Kang Junyan, on the other hand, had no intention of eating from beginning to end, but his eyes never opened to Di Yanwei.

As if Di Yanwei was a priceless treasure, it always attracted his attention and made him unable to look away.

Di Yanwei had long been used to Kang Junyan's Chi Guoguo gaze, so now she could completely ignore his gaze.

Just when Di Yanwei was enjoying his meal, Kang Junyan's eyes suddenly flashed sharply.

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