My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1247 The chief actually helped her take off her shoes? !

Di Yanwei was extremely flattered by Kang Junyan's "service"!

"What are you doing!"

Di Yanwei tried to dodge suddenly, but Kang Junyan quickly held his foot.

"Don't move."

Kang Junyan raised his head and glanced at her, implying a threat.

Sensing his threat, Di Yanwei immediately did not dare to move.

The experience of being spanked in the past was now vivid in her mind, which made her grit her teeth and feel a little frustrated at the same time.

She has always thought that her strength was very good.

However, after meeting Kang Junyan, she discovered that her force value was nothing more than a chicken helper!

No matter how much he resists, he can't escape from Kang Junyan's Wuzhishan.

Kang Junyan was very satisfied with Di Yanwei's "good manners", and his men helped her take off her shoes without any objection.

Seeing Kang Junyan help her take off her shoes 'gently', Di Yanwei couldn't help but swallow carefully.

Is there a hint of vigilance in the smart eyes?

As the saying goes, being courteous without anything to do is either cheating or stealing, so is Kang Junyan trying to trick her again?

After helping Di Yanwei take off her shoes, Kang Junyan picked her up and placed her on the big bed.

Then he quickly took off his shoes and lay on the bed, holding the stiff little wild cat in his arms.

"Relax and sleep."

Feeling the little wild cat in his arms stiffen, Kang Junyan was as domineering as if he was giving an order.

Di Yanwei, on the other hand, subconsciously followed his words and closed his eyes for an instant while trying his best to relax his body.

After Di Yanwei responded, he couldn't help but despise himself in his heart.

Seeing the reaction of the little wild cat in his arms, Kang Junyan's stern face softened a bit, and then he closed his eyes and entered the mood.

For a moment, the huge room became silent.

After a long time, Di Yanwei, who should have fallen asleep, suddenly opened his eyes.

Di Yanwei looked carefully at Kang Junyan who was hugging her, with a trace of doubt in his smart eyes.

Did Kang Junyan really just help her take off her shoes just now? No purpose?

Di Yanwei suddenly blinked in disbelief, his face full of surprise.

He is the dignified leader of a country, and he is also rumored to be a ruthless, iron-blooded, and decisive leader in killing.

He actually condescended to his dignity and knelt down to help her take off her shoes? !

Oh my God! Is she hallucinating, or is Kang Junyan, that big bastard, really forgetting to take his medicine when he went out today?

Although it is relatively common to help someone take off their shoes, it is still divided!

Di Yanwei, who was asked to take off his shoes by the chief, expressed that his heart was greatly shocked.

Therefore, she was in shock all afternoon and couldn't sleep at all!

It wasn't until her stomach rang that she recovered from the shock of the chief taking off her shoes.

The sound of hungry stomach is not very loud originally.

However, in this huge silent room, it seemed relatively loud.

Therefore, after Di Yanwei's stomach protested, Kang Junyan slowly opened his eyes.

But his eyes, as dark as an eagle, were sharp and clear, as if he had never fallen asleep at all.


Kang Junyan tightened his arms around the little wild cat in his arms, feeling the softness in his arms more clearly.

Perhaps it was because he had just woken up, but there was a hint of hoarseness in Kang Junyan's deep voice, which could not help but bring a hint of charm to others' ears.

Di Yanwei, who was not embarrassed at first, suddenly felt a little embarrassed after hearing Kang Junyan's words.

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