Because, she ate a lot when she was on the plane.

Now, less than three hours later, her stomach started ringing again. Didn't this tell others that she was a big foodie?

Although it was embarrassing, Di Yanwei would not treat his stomach badly.

So, he nodded honestly, "Well, I'm hungry, can we have dinner?"

Looking at the light outside the French window, Di Yan blinked slightly and looked up at Kang Junyan expectantly.

Meeting her expectant gaze, Kang Junyan's cold heart unexpectedly softened a bit, and at the same time, it also made his hands itch.

Kang Junyan is used to being wanton, so he will never wrong himself and do whatever he wants.

"Pah - don't pinch my face!"

The unprepared Di Yanwei was pinched a few times on the face by Kang Junyan, and immediately slapped his hand away until his hair exploded.

Although she doesn't like beauty very much, she doesn't want to become ugly either!

It would not be good if he was deformed or made ugly by Kang Junyan, a bastard like him.

Kang Junyan was not angry when his big hand was mercilessly slapped away, but instead raised an evil arc.

"Get up." Kang Junyan got up first.

Di Yanwei has always been the most motivated when it comes to eating, so the speed at which she gets up is extremely fast!

five minutes later.

"Kang Junyan, please hurry up. I'm almost hungry. Do you want to eat Chinese food or Western food later?"

Di Yanwei, who had already packed himself up, stood at the door of the bathroom and urged Kang Junyan in the bathroom.

However, in fact, Kang Junyan had only been in for less than a minute...

Di Yanwei, who received no response, continued to talk to himself in a good mood, "Actually, I think it's better to eat Chinese food.

It's delicious and filling, and there are many dishes available. It's not like Western food where you'll be full after just two or three dishes. "

Di Yanwei would never admit it. She actually wanted to eat too many dishes.

In this way, Di Yanwei kept talking to himself, without any intention of letting Kang Junyan respond.

five minutes later.

Kang Junyan came out of the bathroom and without waiting for Di Yan's slight reaction, he suddenly captured her red lips.

"Hmm? Hmm!"

Being silenced, Di Yanwei was confused at first, and then subconsciously wanted to push him away.

However, the force value is not enough to push him away!

After Kang Junyan let go, Di Yanwei immediately breathed in the fresh air, his body hanging limply on Kang Junyan's body.

"Kang Junyan, you strong kisser!"

After taking a breath, Di Yanwei immediately jumped away from Kang Junyan, accusing him with his hands on his hips.

Kang Junyan raised his eyebrows and slowly arranged the priceless watch on his left hand.

"Aren't you hungry? What we just had was dessert."

Kang Junyan said it as a matter of course, without any guilt.

Di Yan's eyes widened slightly, and he became even more furious, "Just act like a rogue, the dessert is nothing!"

The person who acts like a rogue in such a fair and just way is none other than Kang Junyan, the big bastard!

Looking at the little wild cat with fried hair, Kang Junyan raised the corners of his mouth with an evil curve, "Do you still want to continue?"

Di Yanwei said, "!!!"

threaten! The threat of Chi Guoguo!

Don't think she didn't notice the danger in his tone.

"I'm hungry. If you want to eat, I need a big meal!"

Di Yanwei, who was very aggrieved, could only vent his anger over the feast.

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