"Okay, I'll take you to have a big dinner."

Seeing that the little wild cat was being trained to become more 'docile', the curve of Kang Junyan's mouth continued to be in a good mood.

Di Yan was slightly angry and was hugged by Kang Junyan as he walked out of the room. Yan Ping and the four soldiers were already waiting at the door.

At this time, a servant hurriedly came up from downstairs and took them downstairs.

When the servant appeared, Di Yanwei's eyes swept across the corridor without leaving a trace.

There must be something fishy about the servant arriving so 'coincidentally'.

Sure enough, with just a simple scan, Di Yanwei found no less than two cameras installed in the corridor.

Di Yanwei and others, led by the servant, arrived at a huge restaurant.

The short and fat man who greeted them before was already sitting on the main seat.

Seeing the arrival of Di Yanwei and others, the short and fat man immediately stood up and said with a smile on his face, "Come on, sir, please take a seat."

After Kang Junyan sat down, the short and fat man, He Lianyi, looked meaningfully at Di Yanwei, who was sitting next to Kang Junyan.

"Sir, who is this lady?"

In one afternoon, He Lianyi had someone check Di Yanwei's information.

Therefore, he already knew that Di Yanwei was the third young lady of the Di family, but he still pretended not to know.

Kang Junyan's dark eagle eyes looked straight at He Lianyi. His cold gaze seemed to want to see through He Lianyi.

Although He Lianyi was still smiling on the surface, there was nothing unusual about it. However, only he knew.

Under Kang Junyan's cold and sharp gaze, his heart trembled, and a trace of fear rose from the bottom of his heart.

Kang Junyan was obviously more than twenty years younger than him, but it made him feel as if he was completely seen through by Kang Junyan, a junior.

After a moment, Kang Junyan looked away and looked at the little wild cat beside him, and patted her head lovingly with his big hands.

"My woman."

Kang Junyan declared domineeringly and seriously, ignoring Di Yanwei's glare.

In fact, Kang Junyan wanted to talk about his wife, but it was estimated to be as explosive as a little wild cat.

So, he turned his wife into a woman.

Di Yanwei, who was killed by another slap on the head by Kang Junyan, gritted his teeth and resisted the urge to slap his hand away.

When outsiders were around, she had to save some face for Kang Junyan.

After all, she is Kang Junyan's boss on his face, right?

However, Kang Junyan's answer made Di Yanwei uneasy!

What is his woman? She has never promised!

Normally I would just announce it to her, but now I am announcing it to an outsider. What kind of trouble is this? !

Unable to break out on the spot, Di Yanwei glared at Kang Junyan, but was ignored by Kang Junyan.

Di Yanwei was even more furious. He stretched out his little paw and pinched his thigh unceremoniously.

The stinging pain on his leg made Kang Junyan frown slightly, and his eyes as dark as an eagle looked at Di Yanwei with faint danger.

Facing his extremely dangerous eyes, Di Yanwei felt hopeless and withdrawn his little claws.

However, her little paw was held by Kang Junyan halfway, and he played with it lazily.

Due to his strength, Di Yanwei dared not speak out in anger, so he could only turn his head to the side and keep his sight out of sight.

On the opposite side, He Lianyi's face instantly showed a look of shock after hearing Kang Junyan's answer.

Although he found out that Kang Junyan was different from Di Yanwei, he only thought that Kang Junyan was just playing for fun.

However, Kang Junyan's tone and seriousness now did not seem to be what he thought.

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