Moreover, the interaction between Di Yanwei and Kang Junyan was also seen by He Lianyi.

I was even more shocked.

"Haha, the Chief's vision is really sharp. A woman as beautiful as...the Chief's wife can be chased by you.

What a blessing, what a blessing. "

After coming back to his senses, He Lianyi used his poor A-country dialect to flatter and praise him.

And when he addressed Di Yanwei, he paused for a moment, which seemed to be a test.

After the title of Chief's Wife came out, He Lianyi knew that Kang Junyan had no dissatisfaction with the title.

However, compared to Kang Junyan's satisfaction, Di Yanwei's face turned dark.

Di Yanwei, who was already gritting his teeth, wanted to yell at He Lianyi: The chief's wife is a piece of shit! I have nothing to do with him!

However, Emperor Yanwei's strength was not high enough, so he was afraid of angering Kang Junyan and being forcefully spanked by him.

I could only hold it in tight.

Although He Lianyi noticed something strange about Di Yanwei, he didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, his target is Kang Junyan.

"Well, Mr. Helian's wife is not bad either."

Although Kang Junyan was satisfied with his title, he still looked cold.

Kang Junyan looked obviously cold, and He Lianyi's enthusiasm seemed to be extinguished by a large bucket of ice water.

He Lianyi's smile froze on his face, and a hint of gloom flashed in his eyes.

After a while, He Lianyi still endured it, but his enthusiasm for Kang Junyan was a little less.

"Haha, how can my wife compare to the chief's wife? The chief is so humble."

He Lianyi sat down again and replied politely.

Immediately, he waved to the butler beside him and said, "Bring over all the dinner you prepared."

"Yes, sir."

The butler responded respectfully and immediately went to prepare.

Soon, the housekeeper came back, followed by several maids carrying dishes.

"I don't know what you two like to eat, so I asked someone to prepare Western food and Chinese food, hoping it would suit your taste."

After the dishes were served, He Lianyi said to Kang Junyan and Di Yanwei.

Kang Junyan did not reply, but looked at Di Yanwei, who was staring at Cai with his eyes shining brightly.

Noticing Kang Junyan's gaze, Di Yan looked at it slightly doubtfully.

"Do you like the food? If you don't like it, you can change it."

Kang Junyan is in full doting mode.

Kang Junyan's doting look made Di Yanwei's body goosebumps.

Rubbing his arms secretly, Di Yanwei glanced at him with a strange look, thinking to himself: Damn, this bastard's face-changing skills are really not good at all!

Although he was thinking this, Di Yanwei would not push away the delicious food that was about to reach his mouth.

"No need to change, these dishes are very good."

Di Yanwei shook his head firmly and refused to change the dishes.

What a joke, the dishes on this table are almost all her favorites, how could she change them? !

"Haha, as long as the chief's wife likes it."

He Lianyi followed Di Yanwei's words and said, "Come on, you two are welcome, please enjoy your dinner."

"Okay, please, too."

Di Yan smiled and nodded to him, and then he couldn't wait to pick up his chopsticks and start eating.

During the meal, He Lianyi kept trying to say something to Kang Junyan, but he was blocked by Kang Junyan without any trace.

After being frustrated again and again, He Lianyi's face became worse and worse.

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