If he didn't know that now is not the time to turn his face, He Lianyi would really turn the tables.

However, He Lianyi's black face did not affect Kang Junyan at all.

Of course, it didn't affect Di Yanwei, who was eating hard.

The meal ended like this in He Lianyi's frustration.

After dinner, Di Yanwei and others followed He Lianyi to a basement.

Scanning the basement, which was obviously a shooting range, Di Yanwei was slightly surprised.

Not everyone can own a shooting range, let alone set up a shooting range in their basement.

However, although Di Yanwei was surprised, he didn't ask.

"How about Mr. Chief, do you want to have a game?"

Standing in the middle of the shooting range, He Lianyi said to Kang Junyan with a confident smile.

Kang Junyan's face was stern, and he glanced at him indifferently, "Yes."

Seeing Kang Junyan's agreement, the smile on He Lianyi's face suddenly deepened.

"Master Chief, since we want to play, how about we make a bet?"

He Lianyi said it very easily, as if it was a random game of gambling.

However, the dark light in his eyes was easily captured by Kang Junyan.

"Oh? How does Mr. Helian want to bet?"

Kang Junyan hugged Di Yanwei, walked straight to the side sofa and sat down, as if he was the master here.

Kang Junyan's anti-customer attitude caused a haze to flash in He Lianyi's eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

"Haha, this is very simple."

He Lianyi smiled heartily, "If I win, Lord Chief will let my goods pass your route.

Of course, I will give Mr. Chief a relative reward. "

He Lianyi looked at Kang Junyan and said with deep meaning.

Kang Junyan narrowed his eagle-black eyes slightly, and there was a dangerous glint in them from time to time.

Kang Junyan did not answer immediately, but He Lianyi was also patiently waiting for the answer.

After a long time, Kang Junyan said casually, "What if you lose?"

He Lianyi seemed to be relieved, and said with a smile, "If I lose, I will let you go immediately."


Kang Junyan nodded without hesitation.

"Haha, it's refreshing enough. It's worthy of being the godfather of arms who is firmly in the top spot in the world."

He Lianyi laughed and praised.

"What? The Godfather of Arms?!"

Di Yanwei, who was a little absent-minded at first, was shocked when he heard He Lianyi say the godfather of arms.

The intensity of staring at Kang Junyan seemed to make his eyes pop out.

Seeing Di Yan's slightly shocked appearance, He Lianyi's eyes changed, and he asked tentatively:

"Madam Chief, don't you know that Chief Chief is the world's largest arms dealer?"

Di Yan blinked slightly, touched his nose, suppressed the overwhelming shock in his heart, and replied innocently:

"I'm a good kid who studies hard and makes progress every day, so, if it's not about learning, I usually don't want to know.

Although I know it now, I will try my best to forget it.

Because my brain capacity is relatively small, if I stuff too many things, I will not be able to study. "

Kang Junyan, "..."

Yan Ping + four soldiers, "..."

He Lianyi, "..."

"Ahem, it seems that the chief's wife really likes to study."

He Lianyi continued the words bluntly.

"Of course, I'm a good boy."

As if Di Yanwei didn't notice his embarrassment, he readily nodded and accepted.

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