He Lianyi, "..."

He Lianyi, who was really speechless, hurriedly asked his subordinates to bring the shooting guns.

After He Lianyi was dealt with, Di Yanwei looked at Kang Junyan again, that look was like an X-ray.

Scanned Kang Junyan's whole body up and down.


Kang Junyan raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at her with a bit of evil charm.

What will the little wild cat do when he knows his other identity?

resist? leave? Still afraid of him?

Thinking of these possibilities, a stern light flashed across Kang Junyan's eyes as dark as an eagle.

"Are you really the world's largest arms dealer?"

Di Yan squinted at him and asked.


Kang Junyan nodded, "Why, are you scared?"

Di Yan rolled his eyes at him slightly, and said with a hehe, "Yes, I'm afraid, I'm afraid of a dead ghost, are you a ghost?"

Di Yanwei's reaction made the sternness in Kang Junyan's eyes disappear without a trace, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Seeing the upward arc of Kang Junyan's mouth, Di Yan was speechless.

Looking at He Lianyi who had gone a little further, Di Yan slightly lowered his voice and said to Kang Junyan, "I said, aren't you the head of our country?

Once your identity as an arms dealer is exposed, won't you die? "

In Di Yanwei's perception, arms are the property of the state, and it is against the law to sell them.

And Kang Junyan, as the head of a country, even knowingly broke the law, isn't that an extra crime?

Di Yan rubbed his chin slightly, thinking tangledly, should she stay away from that bastard Kang Junyan?

After all, once Kang Junyan died, she would definitely be implicated if she followed Kang Junyan.

After hearing Di Yanwei's words, Kang Junyan couldn't help but chuckled, and his stern face instantly softened a lot.

At the same time, that handsome face became more and more alluring.

"It seems that you should spend more time getting to know me in the future."

Kang Junyan stroked her head with his big hand, and there was a slight smile in his dark eagle-like eyes.

Does the little wild cat care about him?


Di Yan slapped his hand away slightly, "My mother's time is precious, so I don't want to understand you."

When Kang Junyan said this, Di Yanwei knew that even if his identity as an arms dealer was exposed, nothing would happen.

Kang Junyan doesn't have to die, so she won't be implicated?

Having figured this out, Di Yanwei suddenly felt the pressure on his body disappear without a trace, and continued to wait for the drama between Kang Junyan and He Lianyi.

After knowing the identity of Kang Junyan's arms dealer, Di Yanwei finally knew that what He Lianyi said just now should be arms.

As for the people, they should be from Kang Junyan's side.

While the two of Di Yanwei were interacting, He Lianyi's subordinates came back carrying two boxes.

Looking at the two boxes, Di Yanwei already had a guess.

After the lid was opened to reveal the pistol in the box, Di Yanwei couldn't help but sigh, He Lianyi is really brave enough to hide it at home. arms.

You must know that on the surface, country F bans firearms.

As for the secret, the leaders of country F turned a blind eye. After all, some powerful people have some privileges.

"Master Chief, this batch of arms is the latest product. How about we gamble with these new products?"

He Lianyi looked at those pistols, and asked Kang Junyan confidently in his eyes.

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