Di Yanwei's rudeness made He Lianyi's prepared persuasion suddenly aborted.

Even if ordinary people like it no matter how much they like it, won't they always politely shirk it?

Why is Di Yanwei here, but so different?

The corner of He Lianyi's mouth twitched fiercely, but he quickly restrained himself.

"Hehe, Mrs. Chief, you are too polite."

Because of Di Yanwei's 'true temperament', He Lianyi didn't plan to get close to her anymore.

Di Yanwei naturally noticed the change in He Lianyi's expression.

However, does this have anything to do with her?

Di Yan smiled slightly, thinking indifferently, then walked to the shooting place and looked at the shooting target in the distance.

"The chief's wife doesn't need to be under pressure. Even if she doesn't perform well this time, she will have four more chances."

Seeing that Di Yanwei was staring at the shooting target without moving, He Lianyi said "comfort".

Then he laughed again, and said like a joke, "Also, even if the chief's wife really doesn't perform well, I believe the chief will not mind, right?"

In the end, He Lianyi looked at Kang Junyan and said.

He Lianyi's words were clearly speaking well for Di Yanwei, but there was a hint of complacency in his tone.

Obviously, he is not optimistic about Di Yanwei.

Kang Junyan naturally heard the pride in He Lianyi's words, but he was not angry at all.

"Of course."

Kang Junyan stared at Di Yanwei's back, and the corner of his mouth raised a sinister arc, "Besides, I believe in my woman."

When he spoke, Kang Junyan's tone was full of trust in Di Yanwei, as if he really believed her from the bottom of his heart.

Kang Junyan's attitude froze the smile on He Lianyi's face, and a wave of uneasiness flashed across his heart.

Di Yanwei naturally heard the conversation between He Lianyi and Kang Junyan.

For Kang Junyan's trust, a proud smile appeared on Di Yanwei's face, and he said in his heart: Kang Junyan, a big bastard, still has some vision.

After a little narcissism, Di Yanwei's expression suddenly changed, and his small face instantly became Xiao Su.

Immediately, under the eyes of everyone, the pistol was quickly loaded, and the left hand holding the gun was lifted and the trigger was pulled instantly, without even aiming.

When He Lianyi and the others came, Di Yanwei's shot was of no standard, as if someone who didn't even use a gun fired indiscriminately.

Seeing Di Yanwei's movements, He Lianyi couldn't hide the smile in his eyes, it seemed that Di Yanwei was destined to lose.

However, the people on Kang Junyan's side don't think so.

As Kang Junyan's subordinates, their marksmanship has undergone the strictest training.

Therefore, they could see that Di Yanwei's seemingly random shot just now was actually extremely accurate.

This kind of gunner who can shoot accurately without aiming is undoubtedly the best of the best!

This kind of ability, they have only seen in the chief executive!

In an instant, Yan Ping and the four soldiers looked at Di Yanwei with incomparably hot eyes.

However, the blood in the hearts of Yan Ping and the others was quickly wiped out by the cold light shot by Kang Junyan.

Sensing the chilling gaze, Yan Ping and the others quickly retracted their gazes at Di Yanwei.

At the same time, he couldn't help sighing in his heart: Mr. Chief's possessiveness is really not ordinary!

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