"It's a nice gun."

After shooting, Di Yanwei admired the pistol in his hand without even looking at the target.

Immediately, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the pistol was put away.

That movement was so smooth.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Mr. Helian said just now that this pistol was given to me."

Facing Shang Kang Junyan's gaze, Di Yan said slightly guilty.

Kang Junyan, "..."

Yan Ping and the four soldiers, "..."

Seeing Kang Junyan's speechless appearance, Di Yan secretly made a Y with his hands behind his back.

Afterwards, Di Yan looked at He Lianyi slightly, "Mr. He Lian, there are four guns left, I wonder if your men will go first or me first?"

Regarding Di Yanwei's question, a sneer flashed in He Lianyi's eyes.

However, there was a gentle smile on his face, "Mrs. Chief, you don't seem to have read your grades yet?"

As he spoke, He Lianyi pointed to the shooting target that Di Yanwei had shot in the distance, but hadn't slid over yet.

Di Yan waved his hands indifferently, and said relaxedly, "I always like to see the final result after everything is done."

After hearing Di Yanwei's words, the sarcasm in He Lianyi's eyes became more intense, and he decided that Di Yanwei was just a girl who couldn't even fire a gun.

"Since this is the case, the rest will be decided by the head's wife."

He Lianyi handed over the decision of who should shoot first to Di Yanwei.

Di Yanwei, who didn't know how to be polite in front of the enemy, nodded immediately without any pressure, "Well, to save time, let's do it at the same time."

Di Yan was slightly rude, and made He Lianyi hold back again.

In less than two minutes, Di Yanwei finished the remaining four shots. Just like the first time, he fired without aiming at the slightest.

The opponent, on the other hand, aimed every time, and the aiming time was no less than ten seconds.

Therefore, after Di Yanwei finished, the opponent still had two shots left.

Of course, if Di Yanwei didn't shoot the pistols after admiring them, I believe the completion time would be faster.

After shooting, Di Yanwei returned to the sofa with his hands shaken, and sat down beside Kang Junyan.

The gunshot wound on my right shoulder has scabbed and healed after more than a week, but I still can't lift heavy things.

As for shooting, it is even more impossible.

That's why Di Yanwei shot with his left hand.

Still, even shooting with his left hand was somewhat involved with the wound on his right shoulder.

The wound on her right shoulder made her feel a little pain, and her left hand was also a little numb.

Seeing Di Yan's slight frown, Kang Junyan also frowned unconsciously.

"Hand numb?"

Kang Junyan stared straight at her with eagle-black eyes, and a hint of concern flashed in his eyes.

Di Yan leaned back on the sofa, and nodded honestly to Kang Junyan's question.

"That's right, those five pistols look small, but their stamina is really not weak."

At the beginning, Di Yanwei quite liked those pistols.

However, after trying the stamina of those guns, the liking suddenly decreased a bit.

At the same time, Di Yanwei couldn't help wondering whether these 'new products' of He Lianyi had reached the standard.

After all, these guns look good on the surface, but their stamina is stronger than the ordinary ones.

Normally, the machine gun is okay, but if it is used for some unexpected situation, or if it is a war, it will not feel so good.

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