Kang Junyan's thin lips were tightly pursed, a trace of annoyance flashed in his eyes, and then, under Di Yan's slightly horrified gaze, he pinched her arm.

"You, you, what are you doing?!"

Di Yanwei, who was taken aback by Kang Junyan's 'offering attention', almost didn't get angry and moved away from him.

Whenever Kang Junyan treats her well, Di Yanwei always feels a little fuzzy in his heart.

She couldn't help but want to escape.

Regarding Di Yanwei's 'excitement', Kang Junyan just raised his eyebrows, and said calmly, "Aren't your hands numb?"

"Uh, a little more."

After confirming that Kang Junyan had no other intentions, Di Yan touched his nose in embarrassment.

He just squeezed her hands out of kindness, but she acted like she was guarding against thieves, as if...a little...

Thinking of this, Di Yanwei couldn't help but think, did he think too badly of the big bastard Kang Junyan?

Regarding the show of affection between the chief and his wife, Yan Ping and the four soldiers said they didn't see anything.

Soon, He Lianyi's subordinate also fired the remaining two shots.

Looking at the results on the target, He Lianyi praised his subordinate with satisfaction, and then walked towards Di Yanwei.

"Haha, Mr. Chief, my subordinates are lacking in high standards. They only have the results of three guns, ten rings, one gun, nine rings, and one gun, eight rings."

He Lianyi spoke very modestly, however, the smugness on his face could be seen even by a blind person.

He Lianyi's modest words were intended to make Kang Junyan's teeth itch with anger.


"That's really lacking a bit of standard."

Di Yanwei nodded seriously while enjoying Kang Junyan's service.

He Lianyi, "..."

Yan Ping and the others said, "..."

Madam is so straightforward, is it really nice?

"Oh? It seems that the head's wife is very confident in herself?"

Di Yanwei's self-confidence made He Lianyi's words finally unable to bear a hint of sarcasm.

He Lianyi saw every shot Di Yanwei made just now.

From the uneasiness at the beginning to the disbelief later, he is very sure that he will win this bet!

Di Yanwei naturally heard the sarcasm in He Lianyi's tone.

However, she just smiled brightly, shrugged and said, "Of course, if you don't even believe in yourself, how can you do it well?"

Although Di Yanwei said it lightly on the surface, only she knows why she is so confident in her marksmanship.

After more than ten years of devil training, how could he not have confidence?

Thinking of the reason why she practiced the gun so hard, Di Yanwei's eyes couldn't help but darken, and a sense of sadness enveloped her body unconsciously.

Kang Junyan, who was sitting next to her, immediately noticed the strangeness in her.


The pain in his arm made Di Yanwei suddenly take a deep breath, and glared fiercely at Kang Junyan.

"Kang Junyan, did you do it on purpose?"

Di Yan withdrew his hand slightly, and touched the pinched place.

Looking at the obvious fingerprints on his arm, Di Yanwei gritted his teeth hard.

Kang Junyan is a big bastard. Fortunately, she thought he was a good person just now, but he is actually a complete big bastard!

Under her fierce stare, Kang Junyan calmly denied, "It wasn't intentional."

Regarding his calmness, Di Yanwei directly gave him two words, "Hehe."

Not on purpose? That's intentional!

Seeing that Di Yanwei had returned to his previous appearance, the corners of Kang Junyan's mouth twitched slightly.

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