Di Yanwei and Kang Junyan interacted on their own, completely ignoring the master He Lianyi.

Maybe because He Lianyi was too pitiful as the master, Di Yanwei finally thought of He Lianyi.

Seeing He Lianyi's aggrieved face, Di Yanwei blinked innocently, then looked at Yan Ping who was beside him.

After receiving Di Yanwei's message, Yan Ping nodded slightly, and then the leader pressed the sliding button on the target where Di Yanwei was shooting just now.

Although Yan Ping had already guessed Di Yanwei's results, he couldn't help but be shocked when he saw the target with only one single hole.

"All ten rings."

After confirming Di Yanwei's results, Yan Ping said to everyone in a concise manner.

After hearing Yan Ping's announcement, Kang Junyan didn't seem surprised, as if he had expected it long ago.

And those four soldiers, like Yan Ping, had already guessed the result, but when they confirmed it, they couldn't help being shocked.

As for He Lianyi and that subordinate, their eyes widened in disbelief, apparently in disbelief.


He Lianyi's subconscious exit.

How could it be possible for Di Yanwei's casual shooting just now to have a score of ten rings? ! impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Regarding He Lianyi's denial, Yan Ping frowned, and looked at He Lianyi with a slightly colder gaze.

"If Mr. Helian doesn't believe it, then please ask Mr. Helian to see it for himself."

Saying that, Yan Ping made a gesture of invitation to He Lianyi.

He Lianyi, who was already shocked by all the ten rings, didn't care if he would offend Kang Junyan or not.

After Yan Ping's signal, he walked over directly, but looked at the target Di Yanwei was shooting at.

When he saw the target with only one single hole, He Lianyi's eyes widened in horror, and the disbelief on his face became even worse.

"Impossible, impossible, how is this possible?!"

He Lianyi stared at the shooting target, as if he wanted to stare at the target.

"Mr. Helian, nothing is impossible in this world."

Seeing He Lianyi losing his composure, Yan Ping looked even more disdainful.

At such a level, you actually want to fight against the Chief? Really do not know what to do, do not know how to live or die.

At this moment, the subordinate who had just competed with Di Yanwei in marksmanship walked up to He Lianyi and said a few words.

After hearing what the subordinate said, He Lianyi's expression brightened, and he said excitedly to Kang Junyan:

"Master Chief, for the sake of fairness for both parties, can I ask my subordinates to check inside?"

Although He Lianyi was talking about the inspection, he was actually implying that Di Yanwei might have been lucky and only hit the ten rings with one shot.

For the others, they didn't even hit the target, so there was only one single hole on the target.

After all, five shots in a row, all hitting the tenth ring, and it's still the same point, this is simply incredible!

Therefore, He Lianyi was more willing to believe that the other four shots were Di Yanwei's misses at all.

Thinking of this, He Lianyi immediately ignited hope again.

It was hard for him to get Kang Junyan to agree to this game. If he failed, it would be difficult to find another chance.

The most important thing is that he has no other chips besides the hostages in his hands.

But Kang Junyan held his bargaining chip in his hand!

Thinking of this, a gloom flashed in He Lianyi's eyes.

Kang Junyan didn't answer, but looked at Di Yanwei, leaving the decision in her hands.

Realizing what Kang Junyan meant, Di Yanwei couldn't help but roll his eyes at him, she's just a passerby, why must she be involved, fall!

Under He Lianyi's cannibalistic gaze, Di Yan smiled slightly and made a gesture of invitation, "I have no objection."

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