Moreover, it is still in a very domineering and powerful posture.


When Kang Junyan pushed against the door and quilt, Di Yanwei kept struggling to push him.

Although he knew that nothing happened between Kang Junyan and those two women, Di Yanwei still felt a little uncomfortable.

Moreover, for a moment, when she imagined that Kang Junyan really had sex with those two women, she felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart.

Moreover, there is still a faint pain.

There is an answer, faintly about to come out of the shell, but Di Yanwei chose to escape, unwilling to understand.

Kang Junyan's kiss, from being domineering at the beginning, gradually became gentle and lingering.

And Di Yanwei, from struggling at the beginning, gradually became obedient, and at the same time tried to respond to Kang Junyan.

Di Yanwei's response was undoubtedly the strongest encouragement for Kang Junyan.

Kang Junyan broke through her defense, entered her exclusive space, and invited her to dance enthusiastically.

The two hugged each other tightly, and before they knew it, they came to the big bed, and Di Yanwei was carefully placed on the big bed by Kang Junyan.

As if afraid of hurting her, or, afraid of waking her up?

Looking at the little wild cat in his arms who was fascinated by him, Kang Junyan's cold heart softened into one piece.

The eagle-black eyes are full of pampering and tenderness. I'm afraid even Kang Junyan himself didn't realize this.

After the test came, and the little wild cat didn't feel disgusted with what happened to him, Kang Junyan, who was about to become a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, finally couldn't help but eat it.

Kang Junyan's pair of big hands kept walking on her body, lingering on the softness that he couldn't put it down.

At this time, Di Yanwei had already been dazed by Kang Junyan's superb kissing skills, and became extremely obedient to him.

The pair of big palms walking on her body, every time they passed by, made her skin feel like being brushed by fire, making her feel extremely hot.

After a while, Di Yanwei's clothes were pushed up by Kang Junyan, revealing his fair belly and softness.

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, Kang Junyan's eyes became even hotter, as if he wanted to swallow someone into his stomach.

After taking a few deep breaths, Kang Junyan slightly suppressed the impulsive factor in his body.

Although Kang Junyan couldn't wait to become one with Di Yanwei, he subconsciously didn't want to hurt her.

Therefore, even though he was about to explode, he still endured it stubbornly.

The slight coolness on his upper body did not wake Di Yanwei up from Kang Junyan's gentleness.

However, when Kang Junyan was about to help Di Yanwei remove his shirt completely.

A stabbing pain suddenly came from Di Yanwei's back shoulder, which brought the obsessed Di Yanwei back to his senses in an instant.


Di Yan sucked in a breath of air from the slight pain, his whole face wrinkled.

Sensing Di Yanwei's strangeness, Kang Junyan stopped his movements immediately, and worry clearly appeared on his stern face.

"What's wrong? Did you get hurt somewhere?"

Kang Junyan asked Di Yanwei anxiously.

Di Yan opened his mouth slightly, just about to answer, but suddenly felt the coldness of his upper body.

Di Yan's eyes widened slightly, and he stared blankly at his upper body.

When he saw the scene where his shirt was about to be pushed to his neck, it took Di Yanwei a while to react.

Immediately after reacting, Di Yanwei frowned without a doubt, "Kang Junyan, you bastard! Stinky rascal!

How dare you take the opportunity to eat my old lady's tofu? ! ! Get up for my wife! ! ! "

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