Di Yanwei looked angry on the surface, but in fact he became angry from embarrassment.

At the same time, he was still slandering himself in his heart, why couldn't he stand the temptation of that bastard Kang Junyan so much!

"Don't move."

Kang Junyan frowned, and grabbed Di Yan's slightly wobbly hands to prevent her from being hurt again.

"Damn! I don't move, do I want to be eaten by you obediently?!"

Di Yanwei didn't listen to Kang Junyan's words, and continued to struggle, but the stabbing pain in his right shoulder intensified a bit.

"do not move!"

Di Yan's restlessness finally made Kang Junyan's face sink, and there was a hint of anger on his stern face.

Kang Junyan, who was exuding a strong air-conditioning, couldn't help but make Diyan's heart tremble slightly, and subconsciously stopped struggling.

At this time, Kang Junyan's cold face made Diyan slightly afraid, and his butt tightened subconsciously.

Seeing that Di Yan had calmed down, Kang Junyan frowned, but still did not let go.

After scanning Di Yanwei's body, Kang Junyan carefully picked him up.

Being picked up by him, Di Yanwei subconsciously wanted to resist, but under Kang Junyan's dangerous gaze, he withdrew his claws embarrassingly.

"The wound hurts?"

Kang Junyan quickly confirmed that Di Yanwei gasped in pain just now and agreed.


Under Kang Junyan's force value, Di Yan nodded obediently.


Before Di Yanwei could react, Kang Junyan tore her pajamas from behind.

"Fuck! Kang Junyan, you bastard, why are you tearing up my pajamas! Don't you know that I only brought this pajamas?!

You tore me to pieces, then I'll wear farts! "

Don't know why Kang Junyan tore his pajamas, Di Yanwei was so angry!

At this time, in Di Yanwei's mind, Kang Junyan was not only strong and domineering, but also a super violent maniac!

"If you don't want to continue what you just did, just stay still."

Kang Junyan's implied warning came from behind Di Yanwei.

Facing the threat of Kang Junyan Chi Guoguo, Di Yan was so angry that his teeth itched, but he still had to succumb.

Who let her force value be firmly suppressed by Kang Junyan!

After tearing off the clothes, what Kang Junyan saw was not only a piece of white skin, but also the wound that had scabbed and burst open.

"Damn it!"

Kang Junyan cursed in a low voice, and a touch of tyranny flashed in his eyes as dark as an eagle.

Hearing Kang Junyan's fury, Diyan shrank his neck slightly, not daring to breathe out.

Fearing that he would be furious, Kang Junyan spanked her again.

Fortunately, Kang Junyan didn't spank her this time, but asked Yan Ping to find a medicine box to treat her slightly burst gunshot wound.

During the time when Di Yan was treating Di Yan's wound, Kang Junyan was in a violent state, and the breath all over his body was unbearably cold.

Di Yanwei was almost frozen into a popsicle.

After Kang Junyan finished dealing with her, Di Yanwei couldn't wait to get under the quilt to prevent Kang Junyan from doing anything to her again.

Kang Junyan narrowed his eyes slightly for Diyan Weifang's behavior, staring at her dangerously.

Facing Shang Kang Junyan's dangerous gaze, Di Yan shrunk his neck slightly and said weakly, "I'm afraid of the cold..."

"Why are you trying to be brave?"

Kang Junyan asked coldly.

Di Yan blinked slightly, and realized after a while that he was talking about shooting.

"It's not forced."

Di Yanwei said innocently.

However, the air-conditioning on Kang Junyan dropped several degrees in an instant, and his gaze became more dangerous.

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