My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1266 Remember this time and ask for it back next time

Seeing that Kang Junyan was getting more and more dangerous, Di Yanwei quickly explained, "I really didn't force it. I just didn't expect that the stamina of those guns was so great."

Having said this, Di Yan frowned slightly, with a look of disgust on his face, "If I had known that those guns were so powerful, I would have killed them.

Then He Lianyi also said that it was a new product. New products are so crappy, so wouldn’t the old ones become garbage? "

Thinking of He Lianyi's foxy smiling face, Di Yanwei had the urge to beat him up.

Suddenly, as if he thought of something, Di Yanwei looked at Kang Junyan with bright eyes.

"By the way, Kang Junyan, if I win the bet, won't you let He Lianyi's goods pass through your territory?

If he can't pass through your territory, won't he be able to sell his new products? "

Di Yanwei's tone was excited, even with a hint of schadenfreude.

Tsk tsk, she would never admit it. She was expressing her anger.

At the same time, it also diverted Kang Junyan's anger away from her and transferred it to the old guy He Lianyi.

Therefore, we can only say that He Lianyi was unlucky.

Kang Junyan did not answer immediately, but stared at Di Yanwei who was huddled in the quilt with aggressive eyes.

Di Yanwei couldn't help but feel guilty when he stared at her like this.

However, in order to escape Kang Junyan's punishment, she had no choice but to bravely face him.

After a long time, under Di Yan's slightly expectant and pitiful gaze, Kang Junyan's expression finally softened a little.

"Well, anyone who knows the goods will not buy his goods."

Kang Junyan sighed silently, sat on the edge of the bed, and pulled down the quilt covering her a little.

Di Yanwei held on to the quilt with both hands, but under Kang Junyan's gaze, he quickly let go.

What made Di Yan breathe a sigh of relief was that Kang Junyan only pulled her quilt below the wound on her back shoulder.

The important position in front was not exposed.

Kang Junyan's behavior made Di Yan slightly stunned, and he felt a flash of warmth flash through his heart.


Di Yanwei responded casually, and then deliberately hid his voice, pretending to be sleepy, "I'm sleepy and want to sleep."

Di Yan slightly blinked his smart eyes, trying his best to make his face look innocent, hoping that Kang Junyan would be merciful and let her go.

Of course, Di Yanwei's little thoughts couldn't be hidden from Kang Junyan's eyes.

However, this opportunity has obviously been missed, and he can only wait for the next opportunity.

Kang Junyan took a few deep breaths and tried his best to suppress the enthusiasm factor in his body.

At this time, Kang Junyan was like a hungry wolf in the dark, staring at his prey with intense heat.

Being stared at by Kang Junyan, Di Yanwei didn't dare to express his anger, fearing that Kang Junyan would pounce on her and wipe her clean.


Di Yanwei, who had been guarding Kang Junyan, was caught off guard and kissed him forcefully again.

However, before she could react, Kang Junyan let her go.

"Remember this time first, and I will definitely get it back next time."

Kang Junyan's deep, hoarse voice, full of desire, sounded from her ears.

The hot breath on her ears almost burned her.

Di Yanwei subconsciously opened his mouth to refute.

However, when he thought of the consequences of his rebuttal, Di Yanwei immediately covered his mouth, not daring to speak any more to irritate Kang Junyan.

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