The blush on Di Yanwei's face made Kang Junyan feel more and more happy.

As a result, the atmosphere in the small elevator suddenly became a little strange.

Yan Ping and others, who had become the background, quietly watched the development of the situation.

At the same time, he was secretly thinking that Madam's love rival has finally appeared. I wonder if Madam's fighting ability is strong enough?

Tsk tsk, as subordinates, do you want to help Madam?


Just when everyone had different thoughts, the elevator door opened.

The woman who was addicted to Kang Junyan's charm suddenly came back to her senses.

After coming back to her senses, the woman immediately blushed and looked at Kang Junyan with her eyes flickering.


The woman blushed and looked a little flustered, as if she wanted to say something to Kang Junyan.

However, after searching for a long time, I still didn't find out why.

The woman's obvious expression of interest in Kang Junyan made Di Yanwei's anger that had just disappeared suddenly reappear.

"I said to this lady, could you please give in?

Also, I know my man is extremely handsome, but please don’t blatantly covet my man in front of me, okay? "

Di Yan's face darkened slightly, and he tried his best to control his urge to yell at the woman.

After finishing speaking, Di Yanwei was speechless. The woman from country F must be too bold.

In front of so many people, staring at a strange man, it's really...

Di Yanwei no longer knew what words to use to describe it.

When Bai Ping on the side heard the handsome words spoken by Di Yanwei, his little heart suddenly trembled, and goosebumps suddenly appeared on his body.

Obviously, the words "handsome and explosive" have left deep traces in his heart.

As the culprit, Kang Junyan was very cooperative with Di Yanwei, holding her waist tightly with his big hands, demonstrating his loyalty to her.

The woman who had always been fascinated by Kang Junyan's charm finally discovered the existence of Di Yanwei.

Seeing Di Yanwei being hugged tightly by Kang Junyan, the woman's expression froze instantly and her pupils suddenly contracted.

The hands holding the small bag were holding on to it unconsciously.

The woman's reaction was obviously one of great shock.

However, Di Yanwei didn't care whether she was hit or not.

Any man would get a bad look if another woman stared at him like this, okay?

She didn't break out, which was pretty good.


With a pale face, the woman lowered her head and stepped aside. She didn't know whether she was apologizing for blocking the elevator door or for staring at Kang Junyan.

Di Yanwei was not an unreasonable person, so when he saw the woman acting like this, he said nothing more.

After Di Yanwei and others left the elevator, the woman raised her head.

Looking at Kang Junyan's tall and straight back, the woman bit her lip fiercely, her eyes flashing with fascination and unwillingness.

She has always been proud and has never fallen in love with any man in the past twenty years. Now that she has finally fallen in love with one, she will not let him go easily.

Moreover, she believed that with her appearance and condition, few men could resist her.

However, what the woman didn't know was that Kang Junyan was one of the "few men".

After leaving the elevator, Di Yanwei could still feel the burning gaze of the woman behind him.

The frustrated Di Yanwei once again glared fiercely at the culprit beside him.

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