My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1284 No matter in my heart or my eyes, there is only you

Damn it, why do you look so evil! And he also confuses women everywhere, hum! A whole lot of fancy carrots.

Kang Junyan, who was standing and lying down:...

"Let go, why are you standing so close? I wonder if it's summer now. If you don't mind the heat, I will!"

The angry Di Yanwei pulled away Kang Junyan's big hand from around her waist and said angrily.

At the same time, in order to cover up the flames in his heart, Di Yanwei strode forward, trying to distance himself from Kang Junyan.


Kang Junyan was not angry at Di Yanwei's anger, but was very happy.

Because Di Yanwei was angry, it meant that she cared about Kang Junyan.

Moreover, Di Yanwei, who was so angry at Kang Junyan, was obviously very dependent on him in his heart.

Even Di Yanwei himself didn't notice these, but Kang Junyan noticed them one by one.

Glancing at Kang Junyan who was catching up, Di Yanwei felt guilty in his heart, but on the surface he rolled his eyes at him angrily.

"Jealous? Why are you jealous? Sorry, I haven't been jealous since I was a child."

Di Yanwei tried hard to hide her strangeness, but she didn't know that the more she tried to hide it, the more she felt like she was seeing him.

Di Yanwei, who had a tough mouth to deal with, Yan Ping, who was following behind as a backdrop, twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely.

Their wife's reaction at this time, no matter how you look at it, it is a jealous reaction, right?

Anyone with no eye problems can see it, right? !

Yan Ping and others couldn't help but observe a second of silence for Di Yanwei's acting skills.

"Oh? Then why are you angry?"

Kang Junyan did not expose her, but asked questions knowingly.

"When did I get angry? Why should I be angry? Can you stop being so inexplicable?"

Di Yan took a deep breath and tried hard to suppress his anger.

She wouldn't admit it, she was really jealous! ! !

At this time, Emperor Yanwei looked in Kang Junyan's eyes.

Just like a little wild cat showing its claws, it is on guard, but at the same time it is eager to be petted.

"Okay, okay, you're not jealous or angry."

Kang Junyan smoothed her hair lovingly, with tenderness and smile in his eyes as dark as an eagle.

Kang Junyan was very patient with Di Yanwei.

Therefore, he would always invisibly break down her defenses and let her integrate him into her world bit by bit.

"I'm not jealous or angry in the first place!"

Di Yanwei glanced at him arrogantly.

Perhaps it was because of Kang Junyan's invisible pampering that the flame in Di Yanwei's heart gradually extinguished a little.

"Well, not angry."

Kang Junyan nodded obediently, and at the same time, his big hand moved upstairs to her waist again without leaving a trace.

Feeling the warmth in his palm with satisfaction, Kang Junyan lowered his head to her ear and said softly:

"Whether in my eyes or in my heart, I only have you, never have to worry that I will fall in love with other women."

Kang Junyan's warm breath sprayed all over Di Yanwei's ears, making her shrink her neck unconsciously.

But Kang Junyan's words were more like words than words of love, which made Di Yanwei tremble in her heart, and a strange feeling passed through her heart.

Di Yanwei gradually raised his head to look at Kang Junyan, and when he met his serious eyes, Di Yan opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

However, in the end nothing was said.

After a long time, Di Yan slightly moved his eyes to look at the women's clothing store nearby, "The clothes inside are good, I want to go in and have a look."

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