My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1289 If there is no trick, I won’t believe it even to death

Di Yanwei's inner activities were very rich, but on the surface it was not obvious at all.

"I'm a little hungry, shall we go eat?"

Di Yanwei asked Kang Junyan calmly.

"Well, there is also Zhuxiang Pavilion on the top floor, go there."

Kang Junyan usually would not refuse Di Yanwei's proposal.


When he heard Zhuxiang Pavilion, Di Yanwei's eyes suddenly lit up.

Ever since she ate the dim sum at Zhuxiang Pavilion once, she would never forget it.

"Wait a moment."

Seeing that Kang Junyan was about to leave, the woman quickly stepped forward and blocked Kang Junyan.

Kang Junyan didn't even frown, his cold and piercing eyes instantly shot at the woman.

The woman's heart trembled, and a trace of fear flashed in her eyes, but it was quickly suppressed by the woman.

"Miss, our husband doesn't know you."

As a good subordinate, Yan Ping immediately stood up to solve the problem.

Generally speaking, in foreign countries, especially in front of people they don't know, Yan Ping and others will call Kang Junyan sir.


Only then did the woman notice that besides Yan Ping, there were several men following her, the same people who were in the elevator before.

At this time, the woman also realized that Kang Junyan's identity was definitely not simple.

This knowledge made the woman's determination to win Kang Junyan even stronger.

"Cousin, what happened to you?"

Just when the woman didn't know what to say, a man wearing a white formal suit walked over with a gentle face.

When the man saw Kang Junyan, his eyes flashed slightly, and then he regained his composure.

Seeing the man, the woman seemed to be relieved.


The woman looked at the man with a faint look that meant asking for help.

The two have been together since childhood, so of course the man knows what she means.

"Hello, my name is Feng You, and I am Xuelan's cousin."

Feng You not only introduced himself, but also introduced Qiu Xuelan without leaving any trace.

Looking at Feng You with a gentle smile on his face, the word "fox" instantly appeared in Di Yanwei's mind.

The Fengyou in front of him seemed personable, gentle and polite on the surface, but Di Yanwei believed in his intuition.

"Step aside."

Regarding Feng You's self-introduction, Kang Junyan didn't mean to give any face at all, and his tone was very cold.

Kang Junyan's coldness made Feng You's gentle smile pause, but he quickly recovered.

"I don't mean any harm, I, I just..."

Seeing that Kang Junyan was angry, Qiu Xuelan suddenly panicked and wanted to explain nervously.

However, even if she identified Kang Junyan as a man, she would not be so shameless and tell Kang Junyan in public that she was interested in him.

So, anxious and nervous, she suddenly didn't know what reason to find to get acquainted with Kang Junyan.

"I'm sorry, my cousin may be a bit hasty, but she just wants to get acquainted with you.

and nothing else. "

Feng You took Qiu Xuelan's words very timely and behaved very politely.

Regarding Feng You's words, Di Yanwei felt speechless for a while.

To say solid to someone you meet for the first time and haven't even spoken a few words to?

There is nothing fishy in this, even if I beat her to death, I wouldn’t believe it!

"Sorry, we are in a hurry."

A faint smile appeared on Di Yanwei's lips, and he spoke to the two of them distantly.

After saying that, Di Yanwei took Kang Junyan's big hand and wanted to bypass the two of them and leave.

"how could you do this!"

Seeing Di Yanwei pulling Kang Junyan away, Qiu Xuelan couldn't help shouting and stared at Di Yanwei with a pointing face.

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