Di Yanwei felt confused for Qiu Xuelan's natural accusation.

how is she? Is she guilty of dragging her half-man away to prevent other women from coveting her?

Isn't this woman really a psycho? !

"What about me? Am I coveting your man, or am I stealing your man? Or am I clinging to your man shamelessly?"

Di Yan's face turned cold, and his smart eyes stared straight at Qiu Xuelan, his eyes full of ridicule.

Her words, on the surface, were about herself.

But in fact, he turned a corner and secretly mocked Qiu Xuelan.

Sure enough, as soon as Di Yanwei's words came out, Qiu Xuelan's face suddenly became gloomy.

The eyes staring at Di Yanwei seemed like they wanted to tear Di Yanwei to pieces on the spot.

However, it was quickly restrained and turned into an expression of extreme grievance, as if he had been greatly wronged.

"I-I didn't mean that, I-I just really wanted to get acquainted with this gentleman.

We met twice in one day, which was a kind of fate.

Moreover, I like you very much, so I want to get to know you first and become friends.

There is no other purpose, please believe me. "

Qiu Xuelan said aggrievedly.

However, although she was talking about you, her eyes were only on Kang Junyan from beginning to end.

The look of admiration in those eyes can be seen by anyone who is not blind!

"Haha, Miss, you are too funny, aren't you?"

Di Yanwei felt a raging fire rising from her heart, almost bursting out instantly.

"You said that if there is fate, then there is fate? You said that if you want to be friends, then you can be friends?

who do you think You Are? Heartthrob?

Do you think that others will cooperate with you in whatever you do? Kneel down and lick your face and come forward happily? "

Having said this, Di Yan paused slightly, and his eyes became colder when he looked at Qiu Xuelan.

"Then, let me tell you clearly now that we don't want to be friends with you, and we will never kneel down and lick our faces to get in front of you.

So, go away, don't appear shamelessly in front of us, especially don't look at my man with your disgusting eyes! "

Di Yanwei's words were spoken without politeness.

Those words were like sharp blades, piercing straight into Qiu Xuelan's heart.

Qiu Xuelan, who has always been aloof and arrogant, this was the first time she met someone who was so rude to her.

For a moment, he was so angry that his face turned blue and white, and he even forgot about pretending to be weak.

Fengyou, who had always behaved as a gentle and courteous man, couldn't help but darken his face after hearing Di Yanwei's unkind words.

"Miss, there is no need for you to speak so harshly. My cousin..."

Feng You frowned and looked at Di Yanwei reproachfully.

However, before he could finish speaking, Di Yanwei interrupted him irritably.

"What am I saying?"

Di Yan sneered slightly, "Then I want to ask you, if a man cuckolded you in front of you, would you still be able to say something nice?

Or are you so generous that you don’t mind other men cuckolding you?

If this is the case, then I really admire your generosity. You are truly a real man! "

Every time Di Yanwei said a word, Feng You's face turned livid.

Several people were standing in the wide aisle at this time. People were coming and going in the aisle. Some passers-by stopped to watch the show when they saw something to watch.

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