Therefore, after hearing Di Yanwei's words, the eyes of passers-by looking at Feng You suddenly became weird.

Especially those men, who couldn't help but sigh in their hearts at Feng You's generosity:

On the surface, he looks like a human being, but I didn’t expect him to be such a coward. For a man to be like this, he is really...

Feeling the gazes of passers-by around him, Feng You's face suddenly turned even more livid.

The eyes that stared at Di Yanwei were full of coldness, making Di Yanwei feel as if she was being stared at by a poisonous snake.

Di Yanweigang wanted to smile brightly at him, which made him fume with anger.

However, Kang Junyan, who was originally standing behind her, instantly stood in front of her.

"You don't want your eyes anymore?"

Kang Junyan's cold and piercing eyes glanced at Feng You, his tone full of cruelty.

Anyone who knows Kang Junyan knows that he always means what he says.

Kang Junyan's cold voice reached Feng You's ears, and he suddenly trembled.

When he met Kang Junyan's cold and piercing gaze, his heart trembled violently, and a fear rose from the bottom of his heart.

After realizing his reaction, Feng You showed a hint of anger in his eyes.

He knew Kang Junyan's identity, and he knew it very clearly.

However, he has always believed that if he faced Kang Junyan, he would not lose to Kang Junyan.

Therefore, his subconscious fear reaction just now made him angry.

However, after many years in the city, he quickly restrained his other emotions and restored his image as a humble gentleman.


Feng You tried his best to pretend not to care, but he just said a word.

Kang Junyan's face suddenly darkened, and the cold aura all over his body dropped several degrees again in an instant.

Immediately, without waiting for Feng You to react, Kang Junyan suddenly turned around, hugged Di Yanwei's waist, and ducked to the large square stone pillar not far away.

Just when Kang Junyan stepped away from the place, a gunshot suddenly rang out in the huge shopping mall.

The position where Kang Junyan was standing just now was shot by powerful and cold bullets, and finally sank into the ground.

Although Feng You didn't notice the gunman, when he saw Kang Junyan quickly ducking away, he realized a strange crisis.

So, she subconsciously pulled Qiu Xuelan and hid beside another large square stone pillar.

The moment the gunfire rang out, the passers-by who had been watching the show immediately dispersed and fled in fear.

The gunman seemed to be very professional, so he ignored the passers-by who were not targets.

"Bang bang bang——"

Gunshots continued to sound, and cold bullets shot into the huge stone pillar where Kang Junyan and Di Yanwei were hiding.

Regarding the sudden shooting, Yan Ping and others did not panic, but remained calm and collected, as if they were used to it.

Even Bai Ping, the military doctor, looked calm and didn't panic at all.

After glancing at Yan Ping and others hiding everywhere, Di Yanwei couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

How many times did they get shot before they became so calm?

Di Yan looked at Kang Junyan next to him and thought bitterly:

She and Kang Junyan had only known each other for less than two weeks, and they had already been involved in three shooting battles.

How many enemies does this big bastard Kang Junyan have? !

Damn it, is it too unsafe?

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