Therefore, he pretended not to know about Qiu Xuelan's plan.

It wasn't until Qiu Xuelan was pinched by Di Yanwei that Feng You started to pay attention.

He wanted to rescue Qiu Xuelan, but in the hail of bullets, he did not choose to act immediately.

Although Qiu Xuelan is his cousin who grew up with him, he values ​​his own life more.

Just when Feng You thought Qiu Xuelan could take a breather, he saw the murderous intent in Kang Junyan's eyes.

So, he quickly revealed Qiu Xuelan's identity loudly to make Kang Junyan fearful.

He didn't care much about Qiu Xuelan's life or death.

However, he knew that if he did nothing and watched Qiu Xuelan being killed, his enemies would definitely be dissatisfied with him.

Therefore, without harming his own life, he spoke without hesitation.

However, the next moment, Feng You's expression became full of disbelief, and he felt both anger and fear in his heart.

Because Kang Junyan still didn't pause at all after hearing his words.

Completely ignoring the hail of bullets, Qiu Xuelan, who had fainted, was suddenly thrown aside and slammed into the wall not far away.


The pain of hitting the wall suddenly made Qiu Xuelan wake up from the pain, but she soon fainted again.

Seeing Qiu Xuelan being thrown away without mercy, Di Yanwei finally recovered and quickly looked at Kang Junyan.

There is nothing strange in the front, that is the back.

Di Yanwei was anxious and worried, and wanted to look at Kang Junyan's back, but he stopped him.

"I'm fine."

Seeing her undisguised worry, Kang Junyan's eyes were as dark as an eagle, with a touch of tenderness, and the corners of his mouth curved in a doting manner.

"How can it be okay!"

Unable to see his injuries, Di Yanwei's eyes became scarleter, his body couldn't help trembling again, and he couldn't help but growl.

Di Yanwei knew that Kang Junyan must have been injured.

After all, no matter how powerful he is, he does not have an iron-walled body to withstand the penetration of bullets.

"Give me the gun."

Seeing the gun in Kang Junyan's hand, Di Yanwei stretched out his hand to take it.

Now there is only one thought in her mind, which is to defeat the enemy as soon as possible and send Kang Junyan to the hospital.

However, before she could reach for the gun, Kang Junyan dodged it.

"Give me the gun quickly!"

Di Yanwei's eyes became redder and more anxious, and the worry and eagerness in his eyes were clearly revealed.

Seeing that Di Yanwei was planning to use the gun if she didn't get it, Kang Junyan chuckled and touched her head again with his big hand.

"I'm really fine."

Kang Junyan's deep voice was filled with a hint of joy, "I'm very happy to see you worried about me, but I like you even more when you smile for me."

Hearing this, Di Yanwei's already scarlet eyes gradually became foggy.

"You idiot, you are so stupid!"

Di Yan held back the tears that were about to burst out of his eyes, turned his head and looked away, and cursed in a low voice with a cry in his voice.

It was obvious that she had always been cruel to him and had never given him a good look, but he still risked his life to take the bullet for her.

Even if her heart was made of ice, it was melted by Kang Junyan.

Kang Junyan, who had been called stupid for the first time in his twenty-seven years of life, turned her face back with a helpless smile and placed a soft kiss in her eyes.

"As long as you are happy."

Kang Junyan said something again that made Di Yanwei's heart flutter.

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