"You are really a big idiot, very stupid..."

The tears in Di Yanwei's eyes finally couldn't help but burst out and fell on the cold ground.

Seeing tears falling from her eyes, Kang Junyan suddenly frowned, and a flash of regret flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, he was a little at a loss.

Because, in his twenty-seven years, he has never comforted anyone, especially a crying woman.

And those sincere confessions were obviously inappropriate now, because they would only make her cry more.

Therefore, he could only clumsily hold her in his arms and repeatedly whisper soothing words in her ear:

"Be good, don't cry. It's my fault. It's all my fault. Don't cry, okay?"

Kang Junyan was already careful, not wanting to make Di Yanwei move to tears anymore.

However, his clumsiness and gentleness moved her even more.

As a result, the tears became even more uncontrollable and kept falling.

In fact, Di Yanwei didn't want to cry, but she couldn't control it and finally had to let herself go.

Kang Junyan hugged the person tightly in his arms and coaxed softly while keeping an eye on the enemy. He would also raise his hand to shoot from time to time, accurately knocking down the enemy.

In the process of continuous fierce fighting, Bai Ping finally showed a relieved smile.

"Contacted, hold on for one more minute."

Bai Ping raised the special mobile phone in his hand and said casually to Yan Ping beside him.


In such a fierce gun battle, Yan Ping still had a paralyzed face.

Except for the change in Kang Junyan's expression when he rushed towards Di Yanwei regardless of his own safety, he was still facially paralyzed.

Sure enough, just as Bai Ping said, just one minute passed.

From all directions in the shopping mall, more than twenty soldiers carrying submachine guns suddenly appeared. Without saying a word, they shot at the enemy mercilessly.

The originally flat combat effectiveness was immediately put at a disadvantage due to the appearance of those twenty soldiers.

Ten minutes later, the gun battle that lasted for more than 20 minutes finally stopped.

The huge shopping mall was in a state of panic, with broken glass everywhere on the ground.

Fortunately, there were no casualties except the enemy.

"Report to the leader, all enemies have been eliminated."

After confirming that all the enemies were eliminated, Yan Ping immediately came over and reported to Kang Junyan.

"Take care of this and prepare to return to country A."

Kang Junyan spoke concisely and to the point, and his voice was full of coldness.

"Yes, Chief."

Yan Ping accepted the order and immediately ordered him to go down.

After hearing Yan Ping's report, Di Yanwei quickly came out of Kang Junyan's arms.

"You've been shot, you need to go to the hospital immediately!"

Di Yanwei looked nervous, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel annoyed. How could he be fooled just because he was moved?

After saying that, Di Yanwei wanted to call Yan Ping back and send Kang Junyan to the hospital quickly.

However, he was stopped by Kang Junyan.

"Although I like to see you worried about me, but I'm really fine."

Kang Junyan touched her tear-stained face with his big hand and said with regret.

"How can it be?!"

Thinking that he was fooling her, Di Yanwei immediately straightened his face and pretended to be angry.

Immediately, in order to 'expose' Kang Junyan's lies and ask him to go to the hospital quickly, he took advantage of him and walked sideways behind him.

Worried eyes quickly glanced at his back, and after a moment, his eyes stared in astonishment. In addition to crying with joy, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

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