Di Yanwei originally thought that she would see a blood stain on Kang Junyan's back.

However, the opposite is true.

Kang Junyan's tall back showed no injuries except for a small hole in the casual suit he just bought near his waist!

Kang Junyan was not injured, so Di Yanwei was naturally happy, but he was also mostly shocked.

After all, this is too...

Almost subconsciously, Di Yanwei reached out and lifted up Kang Junyan's clothes. What caught his eye was a silver pistol placed on Kang Junyan's waist.

There was a small dent in the handshake of the silver pistol. Di Yanwei knew that it was the mark of a bullet.

In an instant, Di Yanwei was both happy and dumbfounded.

Because she really had Kang Junyan shot because of her just now.

However, things took an unexpected turn, and the bullet was blocked by Kang Junyan's pistol at his waist.

However, Emperor Yanwei was very lucky that Kang Junyan was fine.

"I said I'm fine, so don't cry. I like your smile."

After Di Yanwei finished his inspection, Kang Junyan slowly turned around.

His big, slightly cold hands gently touched her face, gently stroking the tears on her face.

Of course, Kang Junyan said this to take a preemptive strike to prevent Di Yanwei from getting angry after learning the 'truth'.

Therefore, emphasize his innocence in advance.

After all, he had actually said several times before that he was fine, but Di Yanwei didn't believe it.

Hmm... Kang Junyan would never admit it. He saw the tears in her eyes, so he was flustered and didn't fully explain what he said.

Sure enough, after hearing Kang Junyan's words.

Di Yanwei, who originally felt a little embarrassed when he thought back to what had happened to him that he was so scared that he cried, and wanted to cover it up with his hair, suddenly became embarrassed to do so.

Di Yanwei's eyes moved randomly, not daring to look at Kang Junyan. His face, which he touched, gradually began to feel hot.

Di Yanwei's mouth opened and closed, and there were thousands of words in his heart, but they finally turned into two words, "Thank you."

Although Kang Junyan was not injured, the fact that he took the bullet for her without hesitation was an unchangeable fact.

Di Yanwei knew very well what it meant when one person took a bullet for another person without hesitation.

Therefore, at that moment, a corner of Di Yanwei's heart quietly collapsed.

Kang Junyan smiled evilly, and the big hand caressing her face gradually slipped away, and his thumb rubbed ambiguously on her slightly pale lips.

His eyes, as dark as an eagle, gradually became hot.

Almost subconsciously, Di Yanwei wanted to avoid it.

However, the figure who rushed behind her to help her block the bullet without any hesitation suddenly appeared in her mind.

The behavior of subconsciously avoiding him stopped abruptly because of that figure.

Di Yan's subtle reaction did not escape Kang Junyan's eyes, so the evil arc at the corner of his mouth rose even more.

"You're welcome, as long as you repay me."

Kang Junyan's eyes were fixed on her for a moment, and his deep voice was mixed with a bit of hoarseness.

Di Yanwei, who was blushing and bewildered by Kang Junyan's teasing, calmed down in an instant.

The heart that was beating rapidly because of him also returned to its original frequency.

Perhaps it was the environment in which Di Yanwei grew up, so after Kang Junyan's words came out, she subconsciously thought of the word profit.

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