After all, no one would do anything that doesn't benefit them.

"What do you want in return?"

Di Yanwei's face was expressionless, and there was no emotion in his smart eyes. He raised his head and looked directly at Kang Junyan.

Di Yanwei didn't see anything on the surface, but in fact, there was bitterness in her heart.

Was it her extravagant hope after all?

However, this dream was so warm that she was reluctant to wake up.

Di Yanwei couldn't help but wonder, why didn't Kang Junyan continue acting? In this way, she can stay in this warm dream forever.

However, Kang Junyan's answer at the next moment made Di Yanwei feel speechless and wanted to cry.

"Of course, the favor of saving one's life must be pledged with one's own body."

Kang Junyan seemed not to notice the change in her expression, the curvature of the corners of his mouth remained unchanged, and his eyes as dark as an eagle showed some seriousness.

Hearing this, Di Yanwei suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, but tears appeared in his smart eyes again.

At this moment, Di Yanwei was both annoyed and happy.

She was upset because she had doubted Kang Junyan's sincerity just now.

She was happy because the happy tenderness Kang Junyan gave her was not a dream.

Seeing the tears in her eyes, Kang Junyan, who was originally teasing, suddenly showed annoyance and panic on his handsome face.

"Don't cry. If you don't want to, forget it."

Kang Junyan held her in his arms and patted her back with his big hands to comfort her.

Being embraced in a warm embrace, the tears in Di Yanwei's eyes couldn't help but burst out again, soaking Kang Junyan's clothes.

For the first time in twenty years, Di Yanwei felt that just a hug could be so warm.

Let her be immersed in it and unable to extricate herself.

Di Yanwei's hands slowly wrapped around Kang Junyan's strong waist, and then gradually tightened them, as if they would never let go.

"Hey, stop crying. Let's go get something to eat? Eat your favorite snacks at Zhuxiang Pavilion, okay?"

At this time, Kang Junyan's eyes were full of tenderness and his tone was doting, without the slightest hint of coldness and iron-bloodedness.

Some...just an ordinary man who is afraid that his lover will cry.

In an instant, the last invisible wall in Di Yanwei's heart collapsed instantly, completely allowing Kang Junyan to gradually invade her heart.

Di Yanwei buried his head in Kang Junyan's arms and said nothing, while his mind kept replaying every moment with him.

After a long time, Di Yan smiled in relief, his smart eyes so bright that he was mesmerizing.

Slowly looking up from Kang Junyan's arms, Di Yanwei looked at him seriously and said solemnly, "I do."


Kang Junyan was thinking about how to coax the little wild cat in his arms, so he was miraculously stunned for once.

Seeing his dazed look for the first time, Di Yan smiled slightly, his smart eyes full of smiles.

"I said I would."

Di Yanwei repeated it again, and then a sly look flashed in his eyes, pretending to be disappointed, "Did you just joke?"

In just an instant, Kang Junyan understood that she was answering his promise.

"I never joke with you."

Kang Junyan hugged her with one hand and touched her face with the other, gently wiping the tears on her face.

The eyes as dark as an eagle are full of seriousness and pampering, making people unable to help but be immersed in it and unwilling to wake up.

"I said I would make you willing."

Suddenly, Kang Junyan's expression changed, he put away all his tenderness and pampering, and his face became stern.

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