My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1308 There is no future between you and Junyan

After being unable to do anything to Di Yanwei for several consecutive rounds, Wang Lirong and the others suddenly looked bad.

After a moment of silence, Wang Lirong decided to come out in the open.

"Miss Di, judging from your tone, your relationship with Junyan must be good, right?"

Wang Lirong smiled, and without waiting for Di Yanwei's reply, she added, "But, I believe you also know, Miss Di.

Our Kang family is also a well-established family in City A, so we have always been particular about being well-matched. "

Having said this, Wang Lirong paused for a moment. Seeing that Di Yanwei's expression did not change at all, a hint of gloom flashed through his eyes.

In order to get things done, Wang Lirong could only suppress the anger in her heart and continued, "As far as I know, Miss Di, your family situation seems not to be good, right?"

Although Wang Lirong said a question, her tone was very affirmative.

Di Yan took a calm sip of water, and then smiled slightly, "Mrs. Kang, you are really well prepared for your appointment with me."

Di Yanwei's calm words made Wang Lirong's expression change instantly, but she quickly restrained herself.

"Miss Di is overthinking it. It's just that Miss Di was too famous when she was in school.

So much so that there are few people in the whole school who don’t know you, Miss Di.

And it just so happens that my daughter goes to the same school as you, so I know Miss Di’s situation, so there’s nothing strange about her. "

Wang Lirong could not tell the traces, as if she really only learned about Di Yanwei's situation through Kang Yuling.

However, would Di Yanwei believe it?

Of course not. After all, Wang Lirong knew at a glance that she was prepared. How could she not be prepared at all?

However, Di Yanwei did not take this issue seriously.

"So this is ah."

Di Yanwei nodded suddenly, looked at Kang Yuling and said with a smile, "Miss Kang, it seems that we are really destined."

As for Kang Yuling, the former school beauty, Di Yanwei already knew about such a person when he was in school.

However, I didn't pay much attention to it.

"Yes, it's really fate."

Kang Yuling still had a gentle smile on her face, but her hands under the table were clenched into fists.

She had been hating Di Yanwei for stealing her reputation as the school belle.

Therefore, she will never let Di Yanwei, a bitch, become her sister-in-law!

Sensing something strange about her daughter, Wang Lirong patted her hand without leaving a trace, signaling her to hold back.

"Ms. Kang, have you thought about the future?"

Wang Lirong brought the topic back again.

Di Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, "In the future?"

Wang Lirong smiled and nodded, "Yes, in your future, Cinderella only exists in fairy tales and will never appear in reality.

Therefore, the gap between you and Junyan can never be bridged. "

Wang Lirong stared directly at Di Yanwei and said the final point, "So, you and Jun Yan have no future.

Since you are destined to have no future, do you still want to continue?

You know, if this continues, both of you will suffer, or one day, you will not be able to bear the pressure and choose to end it.

In this case, why not end it early? Do you think I'm right? Miss Di. "

Wang Lirong's words sounded like she was thinking about Di Yanwei.

But in fact, he wanted Di Yanwei to retreat and leave Kang Junyan voluntarily.

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