In this way, she can achieve her goal and complete the tasks assigned to her by the Kang family.

After listening to Wang Lirong's many kind words, Di Yanwei's eyes became more and more mocking.

A sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth, and his gaze as he looked at Wang Lirong had no warmth at all.

Wang Lirong's heart tightened suddenly as she looked at God Yanwei's unemotional gaze, and her pupils instantly tightened.

After realizing her reaction, Wang Lirong frowned immediately, a hint of evil flashed in her eyes.

She would actually be afraid of a poor girl? joke!

After making a mental suggestion for a while, Wang Lirong showed a hint of contempt on her face, "Miss Di, you haven't answered me yet."

Seeing that Di Yanwei remained silent, Wang Lirong pressed forward step by step.

Di Yanwei held a water glass in his hand and looked at the water in the glass with a lazy expression.

"Of course that's not right. You have to fight for the future by yourself. Why do you want to end it when you have just started?

And I don't think there is any distance between us that needs to be bridged.

For me, as long as I love the other person, that's all. As for the rest, it means nothing.

I believe Junyan thinks the same as me. "

Di Yanwei spoke with confidence and certainty, making people unconsciously believe her words.

Moreover, what she said was originally from the bottom of her heart.

Hearing this, Wang Lirong's eyes flashed with ridicule and disdain. In her opinion, no love is more important than money.

Therefore, Di Yanwei's words sounded so ridiculous and ignorant to her.

"Miss Di, you..."

"Mrs. Kang, don't you agree with the Cinderella story?"

Before Wang Lirong could finish speaking, Di Yanwei suddenly interrupted her and brought up another topic.

Being suddenly interrupted, Wang Lirong became even more disgusted with Di Yanwei, thinking that she had no tutor at all.

However, she still answered Di Yanwei's question.

"I just don't think that in reality, something as ridiculous as Cinderella would happen."

Wang Lirong restrained her smile and turned into a serious face, with a hint of ridicule in her indifference.

Suddenly, Di Yan smiled brightly and stared at Wang Lirong with his smart eyes, "So, Mrs. Kang, you have always disagreed with yourself?

Do you even think you're ridiculous? is that so? Mrs. Kang? "

At the end of the sentence, Di Yanwei specially emphasized the emphasis on the word 'Mrs. Kang', which was clearly heard in Wang Lirong's ears.

Only Kang Xianer in the room didn't quite understand Di Yan's slightly suggestive words.

Wang Lirong and Kang Yuling were very clear about the hidden meaning of Di Yanwei's words.

"Di Yanwei! Don't go too far!"

Kang Yuling gave up her gentle face and stared at Di Yanwei with a sullen face, her eyes full of threats.

"I went too far? Why did I go too far?"

Di Yanwei looked puzzled and said innocently, "Mrs. Kang was born in a rural area, but she was lucky enough to become Mrs. Kang, whom everyone envied.

Isn't Mrs. Kang the model of Cinderella in reality?

This is something that everyone in City A knows, isn't it? "

Everyone in City A knows that Wang Lirong is a high-ranking mistress, and she is also a very successful model.

Every time Di Yanwei said something, Wang Lirong and Kang Yuling's faces turned darker, almost as dark as black coal.

Before the two of them could get angry, Di Yanwei asked again questioningly, "I just don't understand why Mrs. Kang denies herself so much?

Could it be that Mrs. Kang regretted her actions back then? "

After saying that, Di Yanwei calmly took a sip of water and admired the dark faces of the two men.

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