I have to say that the people in the Kang family are really whimsical and have ridiculous appetites!

Now that the words have been made clear, Di Yanwei no longer beats around the bush.

"What does it have to do with me?"

A sneer curled up at the corner of Di Yanwei's lips, "Even if I want to enter, it will be through Kang Junyan's door. It has nothing to do with your Kang family."

At this point, Di Yan paused slightly and glanced at the three of them, "So... you'd better not meddle in other people's business.

After all, Jun Yan doesn't like outsiders interfering in his affairs. "

"Fart! You shameless woman, who do you call an outsider?"

After listening to Di Yanwei's words, Kang Xianer couldn't help but get angry again, staring at Di Yanwei and roaring.

"Even if there is an outsider, it's you! We are all cousin's relatives, we are related by blood!

Don't try to sow discord, or else I'll go to my cousin and sue you. "

Kang Xianer said angrily, as if he wanted to strangle Di Yanwei to death.

Hearing this, Di Yan sneered slightly, his smart eyes full of ridicule, "Blood relationship? What does blood relationship mean?"

Blood relationship is the least valuable among big families such as wealthy families, but Kang Xianer actually said such words.

It can be seen how naive and ridiculous she is.

"you you……"

Kang Xianer's face turned red with frustration. She had been waiting for a long time, but you still didn't come up with a reason.

Wang Lirong and Kang Yuling, who were sitting opposite, looked at Di Yanwei with dim and unclear eyes. After a moment, they looked at each other without trace.

A sinister look flashed across the eyes of both of them.

"I have to say, Miss Di, your eloquence is really good."

Wang Lirong regained her gentle look and looked at Di Yanwei with admiration.

"Mrs. Kang, thank you very much."

Di Yan replied with a slight smile.

Wang Lirong took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, and took out a check from her expensive bag.

"Miss Di is a smart person. A smart person should know what kind of choice is the best."

With that said, Wang Lirong pushed the check in front of Di Yanwei and said something meaningful.

Looking at the six zeros after the two on the check, Di Yanwei's eyes flashed slightly.

Two million, it turns out that a 'poor girl' like her is so valuable.

Tsk tsk, I have to say that the people of the Kang family are really generous.

Unfortunately, their wishful thinking was wrong.

Seeing Di Yanwei's change, Wang Lirong thought she was moved, and a sneer instantly appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Huh, no matter how noble you are on the surface, aren't you still moved by money in the end?

There is never anyone in the world who doesn’t love money!

However, before Wang Lirong could finish feeling proud, the smile on her lips froze in the next moment.

"Two million is indeed a lot."

Di Yan smiled and nodded.

Immediately, the conversation changed again, "However, I am not short of money, so Mrs. Kang should take back the two million."

Wang Lirong, who thought she was confident, suddenly turned gloomy again, and her eyes looking at Di Yanwei became colder and colder.

"Miss Di, it's not good for people to be too greedy."

Thinking that Di Yanwei was dissatisfied with the figure of two million, Wang Lirong's tone contained an obvious threat.

Di Yanwei pushed the check back and looked at Wang Lirong without fear, "Mrs. Kang, you are overthinking. I'm just really not short of money."

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