Moreover, even if she was really short of money, she would not accept Wang Lirong's money.

Once she accepted it, it would be equivalent to denying the relationship between her and Kang Junyan, so no matter how much Wang Lirong offered, she would not accept it.

"Ha, it sounds better than anything else. I have seen too many poor women like you, don't you just want to increase your worth to sell her?

Tell me, how much do you want to get out of City A, and stop playing tricks on me! "

Kang Xianer on the side said with disdain on his face.

In an instant, a dark light flashed in Di Yanwei's smart eyes, and it disappeared so fast that no one could catch it.

"Oh? Do you really want to follow my price?"

Di Yanwei suddenly smiled evilly and stared directly at Kang Xianer.

Di Yanwei's words made the contempt on Kang Xianer's face even worse. He looked at her as if he were looking at garbage.

Wang Lirong and Kang Yuling also felt that Di Yanwei was no different from other women.

"Yes, whatever price you ask, our Kang family has plenty of money."

Kang Xianer raised her chin with a proud look on her face.

"Of course, it also depends on whether you are worth the price."

As soon as Kang Xianer finished speaking, Wang Lirong added something very shrewdly.

In response, Di Yanwei raised his eyebrows slightly, and then took out a dollar in change from his bag.

"for you."

Di Yan smiled brightly and put a dollar in front of Kang Xianer, "This dollar is for you to shut up for an hour."

When they saw Di Yanwei take out a dollar from his bag, Kang Xianer and the other two people didn't know why.

As soon as Di Yanwei's words came out, the three of them were stunned, obviously not expecting it at all.

"Di Yanwei, you bitch, you..."

After regaining consciousness, Kang Xian'er's face turned red with anger, and she pointed at Di Yanwei with trembling fingers to curse.

However, before she could finish her scolding, she was interrupted by Di Yanwei.

"What? Do you think one dollar is too much?"

Di Yanwei said innocently.

Then, before Kang Xianer could speak, he frowned and curled his lips again and said, "If it's more than one yuan, then just fifty cents.

But, I don’t have fifty cents in change. Why don’t you give me fifty cents? "

As he spoke, Di Yanwei extended his palm to Kang Xianer sincerely.

As Di Yanwei kept saying it was getting cheaper, Kang Xianer became more and more angry. Looking at the palm she extended, she subconsciously reached out and hit it hard.

Seeing this, Di Yanwei quickly retracted his hand, looked at Kang Xianer's fat hand with a smile, and came into close contact with the solid table.


Kang Xianer hit people with no mercy, so her slap immediately made a lot of noise.

What followed was Kang Xianer's miserable scream.

Fortunately, there was no cup on the table where Kang Xianer hit it, otherwise it would not have been a 'table shattered with the palm of the hand', but a 'glass shattered with the palm of the hand'.

Kang Xianer's high-decibel scream undoubtedly once again attracted dissatisfied looks from everyone in the restaurant.

The manager, who was standing weakly in the corner, once again received the attention of all the guests.

The manager wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and walked towards Wang Lirong's table again resignedly.

"Mrs. Kang, I don't know what happened? Do you need help?"

The manager said to Wang Lirong with a professional smile.

Seeing the manager, Wang Lirong frowned and glanced around vaguely.

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