My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1315 The chief has been waiting for you for more than an hour

The reporter was not dissatisfied with this.

In other words, even if you are dissatisfied, you cannot show it on your face.

After all, it would be very easy for the Kang family to deal with a young reporter like him.

Therefore, even though he also disdained Kang Xianer in his heart, he had to wear a flattering smile on his face.

"Which newspaper do you work for?"

Wang Lirong asked directly.

Hearing this, the reporter's heart suddenly skipped a beat, his eyes rolled, and he finally answered honestly.

"Haha, Tianheng Entertainment where I work is just a small newspaper agency in City A. It is not worthy of Mrs. Kang's concern."

The reporter was pondering Wang Lirong's thoughts while answering carefully but respectfully.

Wang Lirong's ability to sit in the main palace position from a mistress shows that her thoughts are not simple, so reporters are so cautious.

I am afraid that if I am not careful, I will be turned into a scumbag by Wang Lirong.

Seeing the reporter's cautious look, Wang Lirong's vanity was greatly satisfied.

Born in a rural area, she has been looked down upon by others since she was a child, and is often looked down upon and disdained by others.

Therefore, she became Kang Shenghui's mistress at all costs, and then she worked even harder to be corrected.

After becoming Mrs. Kang, she enjoyed being envied and cautious by others.

Wang Lirong, who was inadvertently pleased, looked a little better, and her eyes at the reporter became much softer.

"I think you are a good talent. Are you willing to stay in a small newspaper office?"

Wang Lirong didn't talk much nonsense, but directly released the bait.

Reporters are also good people. As soon as Wang Lirong said these words, she knew what was going on.

After a long time, Wang Lirong and the others drove away first, while the reporters who were still staying there were very excited.

Just by letting him report one side of the news, you can get a lot of money. This deal is really worth it!

Of course, the reporter also wondered whether this might be a trap, and he would be caught in it.

However, he then thought about it. The Kang family's status in City A was the second highest. No one except the Di family dared to offend the Kang family.

Mrs. Kang just asked him to report, a woman with no background.

Although his surname is Di, the reporter is very sure that there is no such number one person in the Di family.

Therefore, reporters don’t have to worry anymore.

The reporter, who felt very lucky and had made a fortune out of nowhere, quickly drove home and prepared to report happily.

In the taxi.

After getting in the car, Di Yanwei suddenly remembered that she didn't get one dollar back.

Suddenly, a flash of pain appeared on Di Yanwei's face. Although the dollar was not much, it could only buy about a piece of candy.

However, she was still not very happy to give that idiot woman Kang Xianer a piece of candy for nothing.

Seeing that he was already some distance away from the Western restaurant, Di Yanwei could only give up the idea of ​​getting out of the car and going back to get it back.

Soon after, the taxi drove directly into Bieyuan and stopped in front of the huge villa.

After getting off the car, the housekeeper Aunt Liu came up to her.


Aunt Liu's eyes were tangled and she looked at Di Yanwei without wanting to speak.

Seeing her like this, Di Yanwei couldn't help but wonder, "What's wrong, Aunt Liu?"

"After you left, the chief came back and has been waiting for you, madam, for more than an hour."

Aunt Liu said carefully, looking at Di Yanwei's eyes with a hint of worry.

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