My Favorite Flash Married Wife: Fourth Master Gao Leng, Please Let It Go!

Chapter 1316 The chief loves you very much, madam.

After a pause, Aunt Liu advised:

"Madam, the chief loves you very much. As long as you take the initiative to admit your mistake, I believe the chief will be reluctant to punish you."

Aunt Liu has been with Kang Junyan for more than 20 years and is very loyal. She is Kang Junyan's mother.

She is also Kang Junyan's nanny, so she has a fairly clear understanding of Kang Junyan's temperament.

Over the years, the chief has finally fallen in love with a woman. As a nanny, she naturally hopes that the two of them can get along well.

That's why she persuaded Di Yanwei like this, hoping that the two of them could take a step back, otherwise they would only hurt each other.

In response to Aunt Liu's persuasion, Di Yan smiled slightly, and a touch of warmth flashed in his smart eyes.

"Don't worry, Aunt Liu, I know what to do."

Di Yan nodded slightly, not disgusted.

Seeing this, Aunt Liu felt a little relieved, and then quickly let Di Yanwei in.

I have to say that Aunt Liu's worries are unnecessary.

Because Kang Junyan must have known about it before she left Bieyuan.

Since he didn't stop her, it meant that he acquiesced to her leaving, so how could he be angry?

After entering the villa, Di Yan looked at the living room slightly, but did not see Kang Junyan.

"The chief and Master Mo are in the study. Madam, please go up."

Seeing Di Yanwei's confusion, Aunt Liu spoke at the right moment.

Hearing this, Di Yan was slightly surprised, why is Xiao Mo here?

"okay, I get it."

Di Yan nodded slightly, and then said to Aunt Liu, "Aunt Liu, could you please help me make a bowl of noodles? I haven't had lunch yet."

Di Yan touched his belly slightly. If he had known better, she would have delayed her relationship with Wang Lirong and the others again.

That way, she can get a free meal.

Di Yanwei couldn't help feeling a little regretful. She liked taking advantage of her enemies the most.

"Okay, I'll go right away. I'll be fine soon."

Aunt Liu felt heartbroken when she heard that Di Yanwei hadn't eaten yet. After saying that, she hurried to the kitchen.

Looking at Aunt Liu's back, Di Yanwei's lips curled up with a hint of warmth.

Although Kang Junyan did not have a warm home, he did have Aunt Liu, a person who cared for him wholeheartedly.


Standing at the study door, Di Yanwei knocked politely, and after receiving permission, he pushed the door open and entered.

"Sister, since when have you been so polite?"

As soon as Di Yanwei opened the door and entered, a cold yet somewhat playful words immediately reached her ears.

Di Yan turned his head slightly and saw the familiar cold and handsome face of his younger brother.

"Humph, I've always been so polite to you, sister, but you just didn't notice."

Di Yan hummed slightly and said narcissistically as he walked over.


Di Yanmo looked at her with a half-smile, and asked with doubt in his tone.

Di Yanwei walked over, sat down beside him, narrowed his eyes slightly and said dangerously, "Isn't it?"

Anyone can hear that threatening tone.

And Di Yanmo, who knew his elder sister very well, naturally heard it.

Due to the majesty of his elder sister, Di Yanmo nodded calmly, "Yes."

In an instant, the bright smile returned to Di Yanwei's face, and he felt proud no matter how he looked at it.

"That's right. Only honest children will be liked by many people."

Di Yan educated his younger brother with a smile.

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